
course of antibiotic sensitivities in escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus from order to establish the evolution of resistance against the common antibiotics from the beginning of their use up to the present time, the sensitivity of escherichia coli isolated from the cecum of wild boars was determined. the mic's of e. coli from these animals in a zoological garden was examined for comparison. the samples from the wild boars were collected in five forests in the belgian ardennes. the mic's obtained (table 1) are comparable to the mean values given in the early literature ...1979397700
temperature and the persistence of viruses in culicoides spp. during adverse conditions.the average daily maximum temperature for the coldest month during the winters of 1977-1978 and 1978-1979, when bluetongue (bt) virus overwintered in a cycle between culicoides spp. and cattle in western turkey (aydin and izmir provinces), was found to be 12.5 degrees c. this temperature agreed with the lowest temperatures found for culicoides activity and for flight over long distances. overwintering of bt virus in western turkey and lesbos (1979-1980), african horse sickness (ahs) virus in spa ...19938219328
wide exposure to coxiella burnetii in ruminant and feline species living in a natural environment: zoonoses in a human-livestock-wildlife interface.assessment of the role of wild and domestic hosts as potential reservoirs of misdiagnosed zoonoses, such as q fever by coxiella burnetii, is an important public health issue today both for wildlife conservation and management of disease in human-livestock-wildlife interface. this study used elisa, an indirect antibody, to research (2003-2013) c. burnetii infection in seven free-living wild and domestic ruminant species and in european wildcats (felis silvestris). the animals studied were 0 europ ...201727776577
[three outbreaks of brucellosis in a one-year period investigated by the occupational health service in ciudad real (spain)].we describe 3 outbreaks of brucellosis investigated by our occupational health service in a 1-year period. two of these outbreaks, with 2 cases each, occurred in 2 cheese factories and the third outbreak, also with 2 cases, occurred in a cattle laboratory belonging to the local government. in both cheese factories, numerous opportunities for the workers to become infected were found. the greatest risk was considered to be the area for unloading milk, while failure to use personal protection equi ...200919853326
anaplasma infection in free-ranging iberian red deer in the region of castilla-la mancha, spain.organisms in the genus anaplasma are obligate intracellular pathogens that multiply in both vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. the type species, anaplasma marginale, causes bovine anaplasmosis and infects erythrocytes of the vertebrate host and undergoes a complex developmental cycle in ticks which serve as biological vectors. infected cattle, wild ruminants and ticks can all serve as reservoirs of a. marginale. in this study, hunter killed iberian red deer (cervus elaphus hispanicus) from the r ...200415145495
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