
[epidemiology of brucellosis in the granada province (i). occupational risks].brucellosis is a health problem in the granada province. the major aim of the present study was to evaluate the professional risk to acquire brucellosis in granada.19912051813
[epidemiology of hydatidosis in the province of córdoba. ii. incidence of animal hydatidosis]. 19807348348
aspects of animal giardiosis in granada province (southern spain).an epidemiological study of animal giardiosis was carried out in the province of granada. in this study, 912 samples from dogs, 592 from cows, 1165 from sheep, and 574 from goats were analyzed, obtaining prevalences of 12.09%, 0.16%, 6.26% and 4.00%, respectively. prevalence was studied in relation to sex of host, area within the province and seasonal change; in addition, the age factor was taken into account in the case of dogs.19968888550
studies on the transmission of theileria annulata to cattle by the tick hyalomma lusitanicum.the role of the ixodid tick hyalomma lusitanicum koch 1844 as a vector of mediterranean or tropical theileriosis (caused by the protozoan parasite theileria annulata dschunkowsky et luhs 1904) in southern spain was studied. hyalomma lusitanicum was the most common tick, and the only species of the genus hyalomma l., found on t. annulata-infected cattle from the theileriosis enzootic area studied (province of cádiz, southern spain). likewise, we found that all sera of the cattle previously consid ...199910574066
[neuropsychological sequelae of acute poisoning by pesticides containing cholinesterase inhibitors].in recent years a number of studies have drawn attention to the possible neuropsychological sequelae stemming from acute poisoning by certain substances, namely cholinesterase inhibitors. these chemicals, carbamates and organophosphorates (op), have been used in industry, for washing cattle, as insecticides and even as chemical agents in terrorist attacks and in wars. nowadays, they are widely used as a pesticide and this is particularly so in regions such as the west of almeria. the intensive f ...200415054724
echium vulgare and senecio vulgaris poisoning in fighting unusual case of poisoning by simultaneous ingestion of echium vulgare l. and senecio vulgaris l. in a herd of spanish fighting bulls is described. ten animals died from a herd of 700 in an area located in sierra norte, seville (constantina) in spain. the interest of this case lies both in the breed affected (this is the first report on fighting bulls) and the lack of information about bovine poisoning by these plants in spain. animal samples were obtained from october to march. all the dead a ...200616411904
extended-spectrum and cmy-type beta-lactamase-producing escherichia coli in clinical samples and retail meat from pittsburgh, usa and seville, spain.infections due to escherichia coli producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (esbl) or cmy-type beta-lactamase (cmy) are increasingly observed in non-hospitalized patients. the origin of these organisms is uncertain, but retail meat contaminated with e. coli may be a source. in the present study, clinical information and strains collected from patients infected or colonized with esbl-producing and cmy-producing e. coli at hospitals in pittsburgh, usa and seville, spain were investigated. retail ...201019681957
serosurvey study of toscana virus in domestic animals, granada, spain.abstract toscana virus (tosv) is transmitted by infected sandflies. in mediterranean countries, tosv is one of the major viral pathogens involved in aseptic meningitis and meningoencephalitis in humans. it remains unclear if there are animal reservoirs able to maintain the virus through the cold months of the year, when the vector is not circulating. from may to october of 2006 and 2007, we conducted a serosurvey study on domestic animals from granada province (southern spain). tosv was investig ...201020925529
evidence of anaplasma infections in european roe deer (capreolus capreolus) from southern spain.anaplasma spp. (rickettsiales: anaplasmataceae) are tick-borne pathogens of veterinary and human importance. the wildlife hosts for these pathogens are not well characterized and may play an important role in the epidemiology of the disease. the objective of this research was to study the infection with a. marginale, a. ovis and a. phagocytophilum in free-ranging european roe deer (capreolus capreolus) from cádiz, andalucía, spain. of 17 roe deer tested, 14 (82%) and 5 (29%) had antibodies react ...200817655893
uptake of heavy metals and as by brassica juncea grown in a contaminated soil in aznalcóllar (spain): the effect of soil amendments.two crops of brassica juncea (l.) czern. were grown in a field experiment, at the site affected by the toxic spillage of acidic, metal-rich waste in aznalcóllar (seville, spain), to study its metal accumulation and the feasibility of its use for metal phytoextraction. the effects of organic soil amendments (cow manure and mature compost) and lime on biomass production and plant survival were also assessed; plots without organic amendment and without lime were used as controls. plots, with or wit ...200515894412
heavy metal bioavailability in a soil affected by mineral sulphides contamination following the mine spillage at aznalcóllar (spain).a field experiment, lasting 14 months, was carried out in order to assess the effect of organic amendment and lime addition on the bioavailability of heavy metals in contaminated soils. the experiment took place in a soil affected by acid, highly toxic pyritic waste from the aznalcóllar mine (seville, spain) in april 1998. the following treatments were applied (3 plots per treatment): cow manure, a mature compost, lime (to plots having ph < 4), and control without amendment. during the study two ...200312889610
characterization of attenuated theileria annulata vaccines from spain and the sudan.theileriosis caused by theileria annulata can be effectively prevented by vaccination with attenuated, cultured schizonts. although these attenuated vaccines have been applied for a long time, not much is known about the fate of the vaccine strain in the field. here, two experimental spanish vaccine strains originating in cádiz and cáceres, and one sudanese strain are studied to address the development of a carrier status and the infectivity for hyalomma ticks. moreover, the heterogeneity of the ...200011193667
the seroprevalence of bovine toxoplasmosis in cordoba, spain. 19911796875
monitoring bluetongue disease (btv-1) epidemic in southern spain during 2007.on the 25th of july 2007, bluetongue virus (btv) serotype 1 was detected in andalusia, southern spain for the first time. a total of 4436 farms infected with btv-1 were confirmed during that year: 3162 in sheep flocks, 113 in goat flocks, 7 in cattle herds and 1154 in mixed farms (sheep, goat and/or cattle in the same farm). the most common clinical signs were: fever, depression, lethargy, facial edema, and salivation (observed in more than 70% of the infected farms). lesions in oral mucosa, lam ...201020663576
presence of trypanosoma theileri in spanish cattle.trypanosoma theileri (laveran, 1902) has been diagnosed in many countries and is commonly considered as a nonpathogenic hemoparasite, although some authors have described clinical signs in cattle infected with t. theileri. in april and may, 2005, 12 blood samples were received at the exopol diagnostic laboratory (zaragoza, spain) from a spanish bull-fighting farm located at seville province. clinical exploration of the animals revealed fever, progressive weight loss, anemia, and frequent recumbe ...200819120247
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