
pasture management on waikato equine studs. 1977276735
the incidence of sub-clinical facial eczema in selected waikato dairy herds. 1978277836
risks of contracting leptospirosis on the dairy farm.the sera of 460 people associated with farming were examined for evidence of leptospiral agglutinins. of these, 308 were dairy farm workers, 62 percent of whom were from the waikato. forty-four percent of dairy farm workers, 8 percent of sheep and beef farmers and 25 percent of pig farmers ware seropositive. of the 137 seropositive dairy farm workers, 65 percent had titres to serovar hardjo and 53 percent to pomona. there were no significant differences between the serological prevalences of wor ...19826957789
campylobacteriosis in new zealand: results of a case-control identify and assess the contributions of major risk factors for campylobacteriosis in new zealand.19979519133
modelling the regional dynamics and management of bovine tuberculosis in new zealand cattle herds.a previous model addressed the within-herd transmission of bovine tb (mycobacterium bovis) in new zealand cattle herds. this complementary model considers transmission between herds, in an area of new zealand's north island (the waikato) largely free from wildlife reservoirs. the model is used to account for the observed pattern of tb breakdowns and to assess the likely impact of changes in management on the percentage of herds on movement control between 1988 and 1993 (an average of 0.76% in th ...19989677625
prevalence and strain differentiation of giardia intestinalis in calves in the manawatu and waikato regions of north island, new zealand.giardia intestinalis has been reported in newborn calves world-wide; however, information on the extent of g. intestinalis in new zealand calves has to date been very limited. the current study attempted to establish the prevalence rate of g. intestinalis in calves up to 8 weeks old in new zealand. more than 700 calf fecal specimens were collected during the spring calving seasons of 1998 and 1999 from two regions in north island, new zealand (manawatu and waikato) and tested for the presence of ...200010889355
identification and genetic characterisation of giardia and cryptosporidium strains in humans and dairy cattle in the waikato region of new zealand.giardia intestinalis and cryptosporidium parvum are commonly acquired waterborne parasites but little is known about their transmission cycles with regard to humans and animals. faecal samples were collected over two time periods within the waikato region of new zealand from dairy cattle and humans and all positive isolates were genotyped. of the 724 faecal specimens examined (354 cows, 304 calves and 66 humans), 16 cows, 32 calves and 5 humans were positive for g. intestinalis. phylogenetic gro ...200312639000
using constructed wetlands to treat subsurface drainage from intensively grazed dairy pastures in new zealand.performance data, during the start-up period, are presented for constructed wetlands treating subsurface drainage from dairy pastures in waikato (rain-fed) and northland (irrigated), north island, new zealand. the wetlands comprised an estimated 1 and 2% of the drained catchment areas, respectively. nitrate concentrations were high in the drainage inflows at both sites (medians 10 g m(-3) at waikato and 6.5 g m(-3) at northland), but organic n was also an important form of n at waikato (37% of t ...200314621166
pregnancy loss in dairy cattle in the waikato region of new define the incidence rate of pregnancy loss and risk factors for those losses in pasture-fed dairy cattle in the waikato region of new zealand.200516220118
a survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs) in municipal sewage and animal waste effluents in the waikato region of new zealand.we report the results of a recent survey of the concentration of natural estrogens (17beta-estradiol, 17alpha-estradiol, estrone, estriol) and the synthetic estrogen, 17alpha-ethynylestradiol in representative animal wastes and sewage treatment plant (stp) effluents in the waikato region of new zealand. dairy farm effluent samples showed high levels of estradiol (19-1360 ng/l) and its breakdown product estrone (41-3123 ng/l) compared with piggery or goat farm effluents. the combined load for the ...200616442435
mastitis pathogens present in bulk tank milk from seven dairy herds in the waikato region, new identify and enumerate colony forming units (cfu) of mastitis pathogens in bulk tank milk (btm) from pasture-fed new zealand dairy cows in the waikato region.200616528393
prevalence of giardia and cryptosporidium spp in calves from a region in new zealand experiencing intensification of investigate the prevalence of giardia and cryptosporidium spp in calves born during two spring-calving seasons in a rapidly intensifying dairying region in the south island; to evaluate potential correlations between the prevalence of the organism and age, characteristics of faeces, and animal-housing practices; and to compare the results with those from established dairying regions in the north island.200818322555
a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study of clinical johne's disease on dairy farms in new investigate associations between both farm management factors and breed of dairy cow, and the incidence of farmer-observed clinical johne's disease (jd) on dairy farms in four major dairying regions in the north island of new zealand.200919252541
loss of reserves of cu in liver when cu supplements are withdrawn from dairy herds in the waikato monitor the consequences of withdrawing mineral cu supplements from two dairy herds with initially high concentrations of cu in liver.201222352934
association between age and time from calving and reported lameness in a dairy herd in the waikato region of new zealand.during the 2014/2015 season 823 predominantly holstein-friesian cows calved on a pasture-based farm in the waikato region of new zealand. a high prevalence and recurrence rate of lameness had been noted for several years but cows feet were not routinely picked up and therapeutically trimmed.201728152335
investigation of bovine haemoplasmas and their association with anaemia in new zealand cattle.a dairy cow, from a herd in the waikato region of new zealand, was reported with regenerative anaemia on 12 september 2014. testing of blood from the animal using pcr assays for theileria orientalis produced a negative result for both chitose and ikeda types.201626411673
reproductive management of dairy herds in new zealand: attitudes, priorities and constraints perceived by farmers managing seasonal-calving, pasture-based herds in four examine attitudes, priorities, and constraints pertaining to herd reproductive management perceived by farmers managing seasonal-calving, pasture-based dairy herds in four regions of new zealand, and to explore how these varied with demographic and biophysical factors.201121328155
a longitudinal study of reproductive performance and management of 82 dairy herds in the waikato region with differing policies on the routine use of induction of describe the reproductive performance and management practices over three lactations in dairy herds that had different policies on the routine use of induction of parturition; to describe any change in outcomes in herds that ceased inductions during the study period; and to investigate other herd-level factors associated with reproductive performance.201020676154
high and variable copper status identified among dairy herds in the waikato region by concentrations of cu in liver sourced from biopsies and cull document the cu supplementation practices on dairy farms in the waikato region, determine the cu status of those herds, and compare the suitability of liver samples sourced from biopsies and cull cows for assessing cu status.201020514086
an automated in-line clinical mastitis detection system using measurement of conductivity from foremilk of individual udder assess a novel method for automatic in-line detection of clinical mastitis.200919649014
variation in ptaquiloside content in bracken (pteridium esculentum (forst. f) cockayne ) in new examine stands of bracken fern (pteridium esculentum) from throughout new zealand for the presence and concentration of ptaquiloside (pta), and to compare the presence and/or concentrations of pta in areas where bovine enzootic haematuria (beh) and/or acute haemorrhagic syndrome (ahs) has been known to occur with those where beh/ahs has not been recorded.200819043468
economic effects of exposure to bovine viral diarrhea virus on dairy herds in new zealand.the economic loss to dairy farmers associated with bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) is believed to be high in new zealand, but no estimates are yet available. the aim was therefore to estimate the economic loss associated with bvdv in dairy herds in new zealand. bulk tank milk (btm) from a random sample of 590 herds from the northland, bay of plenty, and waikato regions was tested for antibody against bvdv. the inhibition percentage (sample to positive ratio), based on a threshold validated in ...200718024733
management of dairy heifers and its relationships with the incidence of clinical describe aspects of management of dairy heifers before calving and determine risk factors for clinical mastitis postpartum in heifers, at the herd level, under pasture-based management systems in the waikato and taranaki regions of new zealand.200717928896
risk factors for peripartum mastitis in pasture-grazed dairy heifers.a longitudinal observational field study was conducted using 708 heifers in 30 spring-calving dairy herds in the waikato region of new zealand. the aim of the study was to investigate risk factors for subclinical and clinical mastitis (cm) in the peripartum period using path analysis methods and to find the factors most important at the population level as a basis for potential control programs. body condition and udder hygiene scores, blood samples, and quarter mammary secretion samples for bac ...200717699035
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