
[epidemiological study of mucosal disease: absence of the disease in madagascar]. 1975181798
browsing through the calendars of the ceylon medical college. 1977350442
[herd of french black piebald friesian cattle imported to c.r.z.f.j.b. randriambeloma of kiangasoa (madagascar)]. 19761005849
[attempted induction of acquired resistance to fasciola gigantica infestation]. 19751208923
[rift valley fever in madagascar in 1991. sero-epidemiological studies in cattle].rift valley fever (rvf) virus was detected for the first time in madagascar in 1979, but without any impact on human and animal populations. however, in 1990 and 1991, several outbreaks with massive cattle abortions were described. since that period, seroepidemiological surveys have been conducted on the east coast and in the highlands (outbreak areas), in the high cattle density regions, and in the national slaughter house in antananarivo. a high rvf igm antibody prevalence was detected in the ...19921301622
preventive treatment against toxocarosis in bovine calves.treatment of bovine calves 10-16 days old with an anthelmintic which is effective against immature toxocara vitulorum killed the parasites, there was no new infection and recontamination of the environment was precluded. when the management of the program was delegated to the livestock officers, approximately 3% of calves scheduled for treatment developed patent infections. the prevalences of toxocarosis on the different farms were correlated with annual rainfall, probably because the longer dry ...19921441182
plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission indices in a highland village of the ikopa river valley near antananarivo, are reported from a malaria survey carried out in june 1991 in the small village of ankadimbazinba, near miantso, about 45 km north-west of antananarivo (madagascar). the objective was to evaluate the level of transmission of p. falciparum by entomological, parasitological and serological indices. all indices were found consistent with the description of a focus of hyperendemic transmission dependent on the presence of an. funestus at high density, corresponding to more than 50 females per ...19911844515
anopheline ecology and malaria infection during the irrigation development of an area of the mahaweli project, sri lanka.a study on adult anopheline ecology and malaria vector incrimination was carried out from 1986 to 1989 during irrigation development in an area of the mahaweli project in eastern sri lanka. eleven potential vector species were collected resting indoors or by using human or bovid bait, and from light trap catches. overall, anopheles vagus (donitz), an. annularis (van der wulp), and an. subpictus (grassi) were the most prevalent, and an. culicifacies (giles) and an. barbirostris (van der wulp) wer ...19911877717
a serologic study of california serogroup bunyaviruses in sri lanka.a seroepidemiologic study of california (cal) serogroup viruses (genus bunyavirus, family bunyaviridae) was carried out on 952 human and 1,834 animal sera collected from different ecological zones of sri lanka (latitudes 5-10 degrees n, longitudes 79-82 degrees e). the sera were screened for neutralizing antibody to lumbo (lum), snowshoe hare (ssh), and trivittatus (tvt) viruses by plaque neutralization tests on vero cells. of 2,786 sera screened, 262 (9.5%) had antibody to one or more viruses t ...19911928574
[the wesselsbron virus, a new arbovirus for madagascar].wesselsbron virus, an african arbovirus group flavivirus, has been isolated in 1989 for the first time in madagascar from aedes circumluteolus collected inside primary forest near the village of marovitsika. serological studies in man using haemagglutination inhibition test have permitted to think that wesselsbron virus have circulated quietly in madagascar. the detection of wesselsbron antibodies in lemurs sets the problem of the biological cycle.19901964039
[rapid diagnosis of rabies by the elisa method. its application in madagascar: advantages and disadvantages].elisa technique in the rabies rapid diagnosis is compared with other methods used in the pasteur institute of madagascar (immunofluorescence, mouse inoculation, and histopathology). the results of the comparative study of 80 samples of suspect animals show that elisa sensibility is better than immunofluorescence one. sensibility, specificity and viability of elisa are comparable with those of the two confirmation techniques. in madagascar, elisa is adapted to testing samples not conserved in goo ...19902078080
pathology of natural infections of schistosoma spindale montgomery, 1906, in cattle.the pathology of natural schistosoma spindale infections in cattle in sri lanka was studied. hepatic lesions were moderate with periportal cell infiltration and periportal epithelioid cell granulomas within perilobular zones. submucosal and mucosal granulomas accompanied by cellular changes were present in the small and large intestine. two unusual observations included the migration of an adult worm from the mesenteric veins to the mucosa of the small intestine in one bull and the presence of e ...19902079559
observations on the pathogenicity for sheep and goats and the transmissibility of the strain of virus isolated during the rinderpest outbreak in sri lanka in 1987.the pathogenicity for sheep and goats of the virus strain that caused acute rinderpest in cattle and domestic buffalo in sri lanka after an interval of over 40 years has been examined. the results show that it can cause overt clinical disease in goats, but only mild or unapparent infection in sheep. the disease was transmitted from infected sheep to in-contact susceptible sheep and calves.19902316182
the pig as an experimental host of taenia saginata (ethiopia and madagascar strains). 19902331179
serological examinations of slaughtered animals (cattle and goats) in the slaughter-house of colombo/sri lanka towards antibodies against brucellosis, q-fever, rmsf-rickettsia-group, listeriosis, echinococcosis and adenoviruses.serological examinations of slaughtered animals (76 cattle and 184 goats) in the slaughter-house of colombo/sri lanka revealed antibodies against listeriosis, brucellosis, q-fever, rmsf-rickettsia-group, echinococcus and adenoviruses. as the results show, part of this zooanthroponosis has a role to play in human medicine and human infections are to be expected.19883139493
[role of nitroxynil in the integrated control of fasciola gigantica fasciliasis in cattle in madagascar]. 19883217565
[epizootiology and incidence of cattle dermatophilosis in madagascar]. 19863659478
[epidemiologic data on distomiasis due to fasciola gigantica cobbold on the island of madagascar. infestation of cattle between 1975 and 1981].stools examinations of zebus were made in madagascar between 1975 and 1981 for determining the importance of fascioliasis gigantica in the six provinces of the island during this time. high percentages of f. gigantica eggs were found in the stools of the different infected zebus-herds of five provinces. no fasciolid infection was noted in 1979 in the cattle of the province of diego-suarez. differences were noted between the infection rate obtained by fecal examination and the rate indicated in t ...19854075467
[bovine vulval carcinoma in ceylon (author's transl)]. 19744217065
dietary iodine and goiter in ceylon. 19694308423
primary liver tumours of cattle in ceylon. 19694310553
[development of incisor teeth in malagasy zebu cattle]. 19744438754
[a new bovine race: the renitelo]. 19744438755
[influence of tuberculosis on the weight gain of feeding zebu cattle]. 19744438758
[epizootic bovine enteritis in mandagascar]. 19724567053
[comparative study of practical methods of diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis]. 19724626595
[desmodium intortum. use in the feeding of milk cows]. 19724646981
[veterinary sanitary agreement relating to exportations of live cattle, sheep and goats and their meat from madagascar to maurice]. 19724662669
[a new variety of pennisetum purpureum var. kisozi. its utilization and forage value in madagascar]. 19724675016
[silage of manioc roots]. 19724675017
[principal preventive actions carried out in madagascar in 1970]. 19724676970
[influence of castration age on the development and yield of zebu cattle in madagascar]. 19734805577
[role of animals and birds as sources of salmonella infections in man (literature review)]. 19704927791
[on cowdriosis in madagascar. 3]. 19714947703
[further acquisitions in the knowledge of haematoxenus veliferus hematozoon of cattle in madagascar]. 19654956200
[study on hypersensitivity, precipitating antibodies and complement fixing antibodies during bovine infestation by fasciola gigantica]. 19715002886
reactions and haematology in imported jersey cattle premunized in ceylon. 19725062160
[1st occurrence of bovine schistosomiasis in madagascar. short communication]. 19725080313
[culture of sorghum forage in madagascar. off season use]. 19715106004
[amino acids content of several oil-cakes of madagascar]. 19715106005
[note on the 1st cases of symptomatic anthrax in madagascar]. 19715106006
[notes on bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis in madagascar. vi. artificial premunization]. 19715106007
[note on hereditary sensitivity of bovines to streptotricosis]. 19715137476
[experiments with fattening of malagasy zebu]. 19715137481
[butchering value of zebus in madagascar]. 19715137482
mammomonogamus laryngeus (railliet, 1899) infections in cattle from sri lanka.during one year 1249 male cattle were examined for mammomonogamus laryngeus infections in the slaughterhouse at kandy, sri lanka. the overall prevalence was 40% with only light monthly variations (34 to 52%). the infection rate was highest (47%) in 2 to 2.5 year old animals. in infected animals an average of 6.4 parasite pairs was found with higher numbers in older animals. the majority of worms were located on the posterior side of the epiglottis. lesions observed were mucosal plugs at the site ...19892786021
the prevalence and pathology of schistosoma nasale rao, 1933 in cattle in sri lanka.during 1987 a total of 1393 cattle was examined for schistosoma nasale infection at the kandy slaughterhouse, sri lanka. the overall prevalence was 12.6% (monthly range 3-17%). based on the appearance of macroscopic lesions, 6 types (0-5) were recognized; type 5 being the most severe, with cauliflower-like growths obstructing the nasal cavity. older bovines with 8 permanent incisors were more heavily infected (29.1%) than younger ones with no permanent incisors (6.0%). the severity of the lesion ...19892762035
comparison between sri lankan and australian strains of babesia bovis in the vaccination of imported cattle in sri lanka.a sri lankan strain of babesia bovis (designated a strain) was isolated from larval ticks and prepared for use as vaccine by syringe-passage in 20 splenectomised calves followed by irradiation. the a strain and a vaccine strain of babesia bovis (designated k strain) brought in frozen form from australia were used to vaccinate 37 susceptible bulls imported from southern australia. rectal temperatures, packed cell volumes, parasitaemias and overt clinical signs were monitored for three weeks follo ...19892665254
the effect of praziquantel on schistosoma nasale infections in cattle. 19892614862
the extraparasitic life cycle of toxocara vitulorum in the village environment of sri lanka.the extraparasitic life cycle of toxocara vitulorum of buffalo in the villages of sri lanka is related to observations on buffalo behaviour, experimental studies on the development and persistence of the eggs in soil and in wallows and the presence of eggs in village locations. calf faeces on soil were rapidly incorporated by insect activity and the eggs developed only slightly slower than in the laboratory. some infective eggs persisted 3-4 cm deep for 17 months, finally dying during a prolonge ...19892588478
influence of gastro-intestinal nematodes on the productivity of dairy cattle in the wet highlands of sri study the response and economics of nematode control in cattle, trials with anthelmintics were carried out in the wet season at new zealand farm in the highlands of sri lanka. three age groups were used: stall fed yearlings, grazing heifers and lactating cows. groups were treated with ivermectin or febantel and monitored along with control groups for faecal egg counts, growth and milk production. treatment reduced the trichostrongylid faecal egg counts in yearlings, heifers and cows for six t ...19902371753
anthropophagy and aggregation behaviour of the sandfly phlebotomus argentipes in sri lanka.the visceral leishmaniasis (vl) vector phlebotomus argentipes annandale & brunetti is widely distributed throughout the indian sub-continent and s.e. asia. the absence of vl in areas such as sri lanka has been attributed to the zoophilic nature of p.argentipes, since they were not recorded biting man. field studies on p.argentipes were undertaken in the central highlands of sri lanka, near kandy, in may 1988. male sandflies outnumbered females on cows by 19:1, and were regularly spaced at all de ...19902132972
[inventory of fresh water snails in mayotte, comoro islands].no trematodosis is known at the present time in mayotte despite the close historical relationships between the mayotte archipelago and the neighbouring island of madagascar, which is heavily infested. it is noteworthy that no intermediate host has been described in previous studies in mayotte. an inventory of fresh water snails was performed from 1985 to 1988, in 53 experimental stations during the rainy and the dry seasons: 3,940 snails of eight different species were collected and further iden ...19902092350
possible rift valley fever outbreak in man and cattle in madagascar. 19912068735
the epidemiology of schistosoma spindale montgomery, 1906 in cattle in sri lanka.during 1988 and 1989, the mesenteric veins of 901 cattle were examined for the presence of schistosomes at the kandy slaughterhouse (sri lanka). the overall prevalence of infection was 31.2%. animals younger than 2 years were less infected (21.3%) than those older than 5 years (47.9%). based on the number of paired worms counted, three intensities of infection were recognized: low (1-20 pairs), moderate (21-100 pairs) and heavy (greater than 100 pairs). intensities increased with the age of the ...19911852491
the field response of sri lankan sandflies & mosquitoes to synthetic cattle-derived attractants.this study examines the effect of synthetic cattle-derived odours, presented with communicable diseases centre (cdc) miniature light traps for mosquitoes and also with sticky traps for sandflies, in sri lanka. the odours alone did not increase the trapping of mosquitoes and it is concluded that other stimuli, such as co2, must also be present to obtain a positive response. neither cdc light traps nor sticky traps were suitable for collecting large numbers of sandflies.19911688141
rift valley fever on the east coast of march 1990, a rift valley fever virus (rvfv) outbreak was suspected in the district of fenerive on the east coast of madagascar after an abnormally high incidence of abortions and disease in livestock. sera from humans and cattle were tested for rvfv antibodies by immunofluorescence assay (ifa) and elisa-igm capture. sera and mosquitoes collected in the same area were tested for virus isolation by tissue culture and suckling mouse intracerebral inoculation, and for antigen detection by an eli ...19911687082
prevalence of babesia bovis and anaplasma marginale at selected localities in sri lanka.sera were collected from a minimum of 20 cattle aged nine to 36 months at each of 14 localities in five climatic zones of sri lanka. sera were tested for antibodies to babesia bovis and anaplasma by an indirect fluorescent antibody test and a card agglutination test, respectively. antibodies to b. bovis and anaplasma were detected in all samples tested from each of 14 and 12 localities respectively. in general, prevalences were consistently high among localities below 1,200 m and lower and more ...19921306921
rift valley fever epizootic in the central highlands of madagascar.between february and april 1991, unusual numbers of bovine abortion around antananarivo (central highlands, madagascar) were reported by official veterinary services. rift valley fever (rvf) virus isolations were made from sixteen aborted foetuses and one dead calf in different foci. using monoclonal antibodies, the isolated viruses were found to be different from the 1979 rvf strains isolated in madagascar from mosquitoes and human laboratory infection, and closer to african rvf strains. in a b ...19921297176
[artificial insemination of zebus in madagascar after synchronization of estrus with norethandrolone]. 19751239794
[effectiveness of injectable rafoxanide against the adult fasciola gigantica in the madagascar zebu]. 1978734202
[possibilities of increase of economical productivity of malagasy zebu by genetic improvement and intensive feeding]. 19715137483
[studies on cowdriosis in madagascar. ii]. 19715167610
cattle and coconuts. a veterinarian's experiences of the seychelles. 19734770599
[studies on cowdriosis in madagascar. i]. 19715167651
[bovine tuberculosis in madagascar]. 19715169493
arbovirus infections in ceylon.the haemagglutination-inhibition test has been used to assess the frequency of arbovirus infections in the population of ceylon, by age-group, and also in some animals. the antigens used were: chikungunya, je, dengue 1, 2, 3, 4, and tahyna.the percentage of positive reactors to the group-b viruses ranged from 16.3% to 84.6% and was lower in the mountainous part of the country. infections with the chikungunya (group-a) virus were less frequent (from 0 to 37%) and were considered to be recent infe ...19695308700
[isolation on madagascar of viruses associated with bovine lumpy skin disease]. 19695407989
[fattening of zebus in the tananarive region by the "ox in the pit" method]. 19695408395
[study of catch crop of fodder in rice-fields in the area of tananarive]. 19705464700
[notes on babesiasis and anaplasmosis of cattle in malagasy republic. 3. attempts of treatment]. 19705464702
[notes on babesiasis and anaplasmosis of cattle in madagascar. iv. additional note on transmission]. 19705504545
[notes on bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis in madagascar. v. a. immunity and premunition. b. epizootology]. 19705535538
[distomatosis in madagascar. the fasciola gigantica cycle]. 19675625568
[use of urea in the diet of weaning calves]. 19675628959
[eperythrozoon tuomii, n.sp. (rickettsiales), the 3rd species of eperythrozoon of cattle in madagascar]. 19675630782
[can bananas, sweet potatoes and sugar be of interest to animal production in the overseas french departments?]. 19685725697
[note on babesisasis and anaplasmosis in cattle on madagascar. i. introduction. transmission]. 19685753255
[brahman cross breeding on madagascar]. 19685753257
[recent survey of leptospirosis on madagascar. contribution to the study of human, bovine and porcine leptospirosis in the southern region]. 19685756585
[study of a herd of wild cattle living in amsterdam island]. 19695817927
[notes on the eperythrozoon of cattle in madagascar]. 19655889945
[on the pathogenesis of cerebral forms of bovine babesiosis in madagascar]. 19655889946
[influence of tick disinfestation on the presence of blood parasites in madagascan cattle observed after splenectomy. practical indications for the control of pathogenic hematozoa]. 19655889950
[preliminary note on the presence of fasciola gigantica in madagascar]. 19665951730
[prevention of anaerobic infections of ruminants in madagascar by intradermal administration of ultrafiltered toxoids of locally specific clostridia]. 19836311508
detection of circulating antigen in bancroftian filariasis by using a monoclonal antibody.a monoclonal antibody designated gib 13-5-2 (gib 13) and directed against the cattle parasite onchocerca gibsoni was used in a two-site immunoradiometric assay (irma) for detection of circulating antigen in the sera of wuchereria bancrofti-infected individuals from sri lanka and papua new guinea. the microfilaremic patients were, in general, serum antigen positive by the gib 13 irma. among the amicrofilaremic patients, 47% of those with lymphedema, lymphangitis, hydrocele, etc., and 25% of those ...19846391224
[trial treatment of bovine dermatophilosis in madagascar by injections of spiramycin]. 19846536997
prevalence of arbovirus antibodies in sera of animals in sri lanka.the sera of cattle, goats, dogs and crows from the colombo area were tested for antibodies against seven arboviruses of the families togaviridae and bunyaviridae by a plaque-reduction neutralization microtest, using vero cells and a stable line of pig kidney (ps) cells. the overall percentages of positive sera among the mammals were: bhanja, 92.5%; calovo (batai), 30.6%; sindbis, 13.8%; langat, 4.8%; tahyna, 3.9%; west nile, 1.6%. among the birds, 23.8% had antibodies to bhanja virus and 9.5% to ...19836609014
[leptospirosis on the island of reunion. ii. animal leptospiroses].bovine leptospirosis is a typical form in the island of reunion. it appears during the second part of the rain season. the clinical picture of equine leptospirosis is acute hepatonephritis. about 10 serogroups are found in bovines, with greater frequency for sejroë and hebdomadis. in horses, the prevailing serogroups are autumnalis, ballum, icterohaemorrhagiae, australis, grippotyphosa.19836671267
[epidemiology of rabies in madagascar]. 19826758714
naturally acquired immunity to haemorrhagic septicaemia among cattle and buffaloes in sri lanka. 19826805110
mortality among cattle and buffaloes in sri lanka due to haemorrhagic on the mortality of cattle and buffaloes in 62 epizootics of haemorrhagic septicaemia (hs) in the hs enzootic and non-enzootic regions of sri lanka was collected and subjected to statistical analysis. it was found that the overall mortality for buffaloes was higher than for cattle (45.2 and 15.8% respectively, p less than 0.001). for buffaloes in enzootic areas only the overall mortality was 29% whilst in non-enzootic areas it was 64.5% (p less than 0.05). in the enzootic areas deaths were ...19816806955
haemorrhagic septicemia carrier status of cattle and buffaloes in sri lanka. 19826808732
[bovine ticks and bacteria pathogenic for man in madagascar]. 19807016058
effects of trienbolone acetate on the growth of tropical cattle and goats. 19827080206
chronic brucellosis in a farmer. 19817185505
[seasonal cycle of strongylus in cattle on réunion island].an experiment with tracer calves was conducted in reunion island to determine the seasonal fluctuations of parasites in one of the most important rearing area, and to provide basis for a drenching programme. after being exposed to infestation for 28-31 days, two calves are slaughtered each month and their worms identified and counted. four genera area prevalent : trichostrongylus and ostertagia rise in late winter--early summer; cooperia and oesophagostomum in early summer and again in late summ ...19817346911
japanese encephalitis in sri lanka: comparison of vector and virus ecology in different agro-climatic areas.the ecology of japanese encephalitis (je) in different agro-climatological areas of sri lanka was studied in relation to the abundance of mosquito vectors, infection in domestic livestock, and human infection and disease. there was an inverse correlation between altitude and the abundance of potential je vectors, as well as je seroprevalence in domestic livestock and in man. little or no je infection was documented above 1200 m elevation. je seroprevalences in cattle and goats were better predic ...19937903495
goat's milk as a substitute for cow's milk in undernourished children: a randomized double-blind clinical trial.this paper compares the effects of goat's milk and cow's milk on weight gain and fat absorption, in children with overt malnutrition.19948008540
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 173