
hydatidosis of food animals in greece: prevalence of cysts containing viable protoscoleces.the viability rate of hydatid cysts was investigated in animals slaughtered in the abattoir of thessaloniki, macedonia, greece. two hundred sheep (100% infection rate), 106 cattle (56.6% infected), 203 pigs (9.3%) and 52 goats (15.4%) were examined. all fertile cysts contained viable protoscoleces. in sheep there was a mean of 1.1 (29.8% of total cysts) fertile cysts per animal containing 297.3 (81.3%) viable protoscoleces. the percentage of viable protoscoleces in the lungs was 82.3% and in the ...19947706677
evidence of schmallenberg virus circulation in ruminants in greece.during march 2013, we investigated the presence and the levels of schmallenberg virus (sbv) circulation in three dairy cow herds and three sheep flocks in central macedonia, greece. in two cow herds, a high number of abortions had been observed during the winter. six bulk-tank milk samples and 147 individual sera were screened for sbv-specific antibodies by elisa. positive reactions were obtained from 5 out of 6 bulk-tank milk samples, 58 out of 90 sera from the 3 cow herds, and 2 sera from 2 of ...201423868549
cattle and small ruminant piroplasmosis in macedonia, greece.macedonia is an endemic region of cattle as well as of sheep and goat piroplasmosis in cattle, theileria orientalis (=t. buffeli?), the agent of eurasian benign theileriosis, is the most common and widespread piroplasm species. t. annulata, the agent of tropical theileriosis, seems to be rare and limited to few foci, but causes very severe clinical cases, especially in imported pure-bred or cross-bred animals. babesia bovis and b. bigemina are present in several localities, and often coexist. ca ...199911071550
piroplasms of domestic animals in the macedonia region of greece. 2. piroplasms of cattle.a study was carried out on piroplasms of cattle in the macedonia region of greece. during 1984-1986, 602 serum samples were collected from cattle in 33 localities. blood smears were also prepared from 50 of the animals in 13 localities. the indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) test revealed that 41.4% of cattle sera were positive to theileria orientalis, 2.0% to theileria annulata, 21.6% to babesia bovis, 15.2% to babesia bigemina, 5.1% to babesia major and 2.7% to babesia divergens. some of the ...19968792580
piroplasms of domestic animals in the macedonia region of greece. 1. serological cross-reactions.during a serological survey on haemoparasites in macedonia, serum samples were collected from cattle, sheep and goats. all sera were tested by the indirect immunofluorescence test (ifat); the cattle sera against theileria orientalis, t. annulata, babesia bigemina, b. bovis, b. divergens and b. major antigens; the sheep and goat sera against t. ovis, b. ovis, b. motasi and b. crassa antigens. parallel tests of negative and positive control sera against all the antigens showed the existence of cro ...19968792579
ticks of domestic animals in the macedonia region of greece.a study was carried out on ticks of domestic animals in the macedonia region of greece. during 1983-1986, 11,620 tick specimens, belonging to 18 species and subspecies, were collected from cattle, sheep, goats and dogs, in 64 localities throughout macedonia. rhipicephalus bursa, the most common tick, and hyalomma marginatum marginatum occurred in all bioclimatic zones, as well as the two one-host ticks, boophilus annulatus and h. detritum scupense, which were present in fewer localities. r. tura ...19968792578
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