
residual concentrations of propanil, tcab, and other pesticides in rice-growing of soils in the united states, 1972.ninety-nine soil samples from the rice-growing states of arkansas, california, louisiana, mississippi, and texas were collected, primarily to monitor the herbicide propanil. no residual concentrations of propanil were detected in any of these samples, but tcab, a propanil transformation product, was detected in six samples at concentrations ranging from 0.01 ppm to 0.05 ppm. organochlorine and organphosphorus pesticide determinations were also performed. the compounds dieldrin, aldrin, and ddt a ...19807422467
nutritionally important starch fractions of rice cultivars grown in southern united states.dietary starches can be classified into 3 major fractions according to in vitro digestibility as rapidly digestible (rds), slowly digestible (sds), and resistant starch (rs). literature indicates that sds and/or rs have significant implications on human health, particularly glucose metabolism, diabetes management, colon cancer prevention, mental performance, and satiety. in this study, the nutritionally important starch fractions (rds, sds, and rs) in cooked rice were assayed in vitro, making us ...201020629878
can rice (oryza sativa) mitigate pesticides and nutrients in agricultural runoff?phytoremediation of nutrients and pesticides in runoff is a growing conservation effort, particularly in agriculturally intensive areas such as the lower mississippi river valley. in the current study, rice (oryza sativa) was examined for its mitigation capacity of nitrogen, phosphorus, diazinon, and permethrin. twenty-two high density polyethylene circular containers (56 cm x 45 cm) were used as mesocosms, with 12 mesocosms planted with rice and 10 mesocosms remaining unvegetated. mesocosms wer ...201829196795
seasonal abundance and phenology of oebalus pugnax (hemiptera: pentatomidae) on graminaceous hosts in the delta region of mississippi.the rice stink bug, oebalus pugnax (f.), is a graminaceous feeder, and the most injurious insect pest of heading rice, oryza sativa l., in the united states. rice growers are aware of the economic importance of host grasses in o. pugnax abundance. however, the need for increased knowledge of host sequence relative to o. pugnax abundance is vital. densities of o. pugnax on 15 graminaceous hosts were evaluated in the central mississippi delta from april through august in 2011 and 2012. two cultiva ...201526314038
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