
cadmium, chromium, copper, and zinc in rice and rice field soil from southern catalonia, spain. 19948069074
use of chemometric and geostatistical methods to evaluate pesticide pollution in the irrigation and drainage channels of the ebro river delta during the rice-growing sets obtained from quantitative analysis of seventeen pesticides in water samples from a network of irrigation and drainage channels in the ebro river delta (catalonia, ne spain) have been analysed by chemometric and geostatistical methods. samples were taken at fourteen locations during the main rice-growing season, from may to august 2005. principal-component analysis enabled investigation of the spatial and temporal distribution of the main pollution patterns caused by application of pes ...200717226004
risk assessment of metals from consuming vegetables, fruits and rice grown on soils irrigated with waters of the ebro river in catalonia, spain.the concentrations of arsenic (as), cadmium (cd), chromium (cr), copper (cu), mercury (hg), manganese (mn), nickel (ni), and lead (pb) were determined in samples of various edible vegetables (artichoke, cauliflower, lettuce, tomato), fruits (apple, mandarin, orange, pear) and rice grown in soils irrigated with water from the ebro river in tarragona province (catalonia, spain). although all food items were randomly acquired in various localities of the area, the local origin was always verified. ...200818322656
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