
genomic heterogeneity of rice dwarf phytoreovirus field isolates and nucleotide sequences of variants of genome segment 12.electrophoretic profiles of the dsrnas of field isolates of rice dwarf virus (rdv) were compared with those of an isolate maintained at hokkaido university (rdv-h). unexpectedly, the genomic dsrnas of most of the field isolates showed distinct electrophoretic mobility profiles. this was the case even among isolates from the same region. genome segment 12 (s12) from some variants migrated faster than s12 from rdv-h. these rnas were converted to full-length cdnas and sequenced. s12 from all the va ...19948046386
free water 3h concentration in diet samples collected from 1969 to 1988 in akita, japan.fallout 3h concentrations in diet samples collected from 1969 to 1988 in akita prefecture are reported. since the data for samples from the 1960's and 1970's are important to understand the long-term movement of 3h in the environment, we searched for old diet samples. recently, diet samples collected in akita prefecture during 1969-1982 were found and subjected to 3h analysis. the samples were originally gathered for nutrition survey programs and had been stored in a refrigerated warehouse at -2 ...200010910389
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