
toenail arsenic levels among residents in amami-oshima island, order to evaluate the current arsenic exposure status and its determinants in japan, we collected toenail samples from 212 subjects residing in a town with a population of 6,900 in amami-oshima island in august 1999. we measured arsenic concentrations of the toenails using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. in addition, we examined the association of arsenic levels with lifestyles and dietary habits, including the consumption of fish, seaweed, and rice. the mean toenail arsenic lev ...200616883297
assessment of pesticide residues in freshwater areas affected by rice paddy effluents in southern japan.pesticide residues in five freshwater areas that are directly affected by rice paddy effluents in southern japan were measured to determine their maximum concentrations and temporal variations. water samples were collected every week during the 2005 rice planting season in kagoshima prefecture and stations were established in amori river, sudo river, nagaida river (that drains into the bigger kotsuki river), rice paddy drainage canal, and wastewater reservoir (that collects effluents from rice p ...201019089593
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