
background exposure of urban populations to lead and cadmium: comparison between china and assess and compare the background exposure of the general population to lead (pb) and cadmium (cd) in china and in japan.19979138002
complete loss of photoperiodic response in the rice mutant line x61 is caused by deficiency of phytochrome chromophore biosynthesis rice (oryza sativa), a short-day plant, photoperiod is the most favorable external signal for floral induction because of the constant seasonal change throughout the years. compared with arabidopsis, however, a large part of the regulation mechanism of the photoperiodic response in rice still remains unclear due mainly to the lack of induced mutant genes. an induced mutant line x61 flowers 35 days earlier than its original variety gimbozu under a natural photoperiod in kyoto (35°01'n). we att ...201120700573
environmental and food contamination with pcb's in japan "yusho", i.e., poisoning caused by ingestion of rice oil contaminated with pcb's, broke out in october 1968, and produced more than 1200 officially certified cases. nevertheless, it was only regarded as a kind of food poisoning and its connection with environmental and biological contamination was only imperfectly taken into consideration. finally, in the autumn of 1970, two study groups, from the ehime university and the kyoto city hygienic institute, reported on the pcb contamination ...1975808853
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