
effect of intermittent irrigation on mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and larvivorous predators in rice fields.effect of intermittent irrigation to facilitate rice production on rice-field mosquitoes and larvivorous predators was studied in saga, japan. mosquitoes and associated taxa were sampled by dipping in two rice fields subject to intermittent irrigation and in one rice field that remained flooded throughout the study period of approximately 1 mo. with the onset of intermittent irrigation, larval mosquito (culex tritaeniorhynchus giles and anopheles sinensis wiedemann) abundance decreased; reirriga ...19938096247
monitoring and characterization of magnaporthe grisea isolates with decreased sensitivity to scytalone dehydratase inhibitors.rice blast fungus isolates were collected in kyushu to investigate resistance to scytalone dehydratase inhibitors of melanin biosynthesis (mbi-d). in 2001, failure of control of rice blast was reported in the saga prefecture, where mbi-ds have been used since 1998. at that time, the distribution of resistant isolates was mainly limited to that area. however, in 2002, resistant isolates were detected in all prefectures of kyushu. dna fingerprinting analysis showed that the mutation causing resist ...200415307669
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