
development of methane emission factors for indian paddy fields and estimation of national methane budget.a state-wise assessment of methane (ch(4)) budget for indian paddies, based on a decadal measurement data across india is presented for the calendar year (cy) 1994, the base year for india's initial national communication (natcom) to the united nations framework convention on climate change (unfccc), along with national trend from cy 1979 to 2006. the natcom ch(4) emission factors (efs) for indian paddy cultivation areas, generally having less than 0.7% of soil organic carbon (soc), have been es ...200918996564
aflatoxin b(1) contamination of parboiled rice samples collected from different states of india: a multi-centre study.under a multi-centre study conducted by the indian council of medical research, 1,511 samples of parboiled rice were collected from rural and urban areas of 11 states representing different geographical regions of india. these samples were analysed for contamination with aflatoxin b(1.) the presence of aflatoxin b(1) at levels=5 microg g(-1) was found in 38.5% of the total number of samples of the parboiled rice. about 17% of the total samples showed the presence of aflatoxin b(1) above the indi ...200616546887
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