
a study of the relationship of rice cultivation and annual parasite incidence of malaria in india.twenty one year data (1963-1983) of 25 states/uts of india on area under rice cultivation and annual parasite incidence was analysed using correlation and regression analysis to evaluate the relationship of irrigated area under rice cultivation and the statewise annual parasite incidence of malaria. in 23 states either the correlation is negative or non-significant whereas in punjab and nagaland significant positive correlation is observed. study showed that in india at the macro level (i.e. dat ...19948146708
water resource management for sustainable agriculture in punjab, india.the state of punjab comprising 1.5% area of the country has been contributing 40-50% rice and 60-65% wheat to the central pool since last three decades. during last 35 years the area under foodgrains has increased from 39,200 sq km ha to 63,400 sq km and the production of rice and wheat has increased from 0.18 to 0.32 kg/m2 and 0.22 to 0.43 kg/m2 respectively. this change in cropping pattern has increased irrigation water requirement tremendously and the irrigated area has increased from 71 to 9 ...200919934512
arsenic contamination in soil-water-plant (rice, oryza sativa l.) continuum in central and sub-mountainous punjab, the present study, arsenic (as) concentrations in underground water, soil, and plants (rice) and their inter-relationships in central and sub-mountainous punjab, india were studied. approximately, 32% of the tubewell water samples had as concentrations greater than the maximum permissible limit (10 μg as l(-1)) set by the world health organization (who) whereas in hand pump waters, as concentrations were within the safe range (i.e. <10 μg as l(-1)). as concentrations in tubewell waters were s ...201222926503
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