
susceptibility of guava genotypes to natural infestation by anastrepha spp. (diptera: tephritidae) in the municipality of monte alegre do sul, state of são paulo, brazil.the infesting species and their infestation indices of fruit flies were determined for eleven guava genotypes (psidium guajava l.). from march to april 2000, ten mature fruits of each genotype were harvested at weekly intervals from insecticide unsprayed trees located in the municipality of monte alegre do sul, sp, brazil. fruits were brought to the laboratory, weighed and placed in individual plastic cups containing sand at the bottom to obtain the tephritid pupae. about 95% of guavas produced ...200617352077
ozone-induced foliar injury in saplings of psidium guajava 'paluma' in são paulo, brazil.psidium guajava 'paluma' was evaluated under field conditions as a tropical bioindicator species of ozone (o(3)). three exposures of 90 days each were performed (june 21, 2004-march 19, 2005). in each one of them, saplings of 'paluma' (n=30) were exposed to ambient air at a site in são paulo (brazil) with high ozone concentrations, and in a greenhouse with charcoal-filtered air. ozone-like visible foliar injuries were observed during the winter, spring and summer exposures, when aot40 reached 61 ...200716930673
effects of initial climatic conditions on growth and accumulation of fluoride and nitrogen in leaves of two tropical tree species exposed to industrial air pollution.saplings of tibouchina pulchra and psidium guajava, cultivated under standardized soil conditions, were placed in two sites at cubatão (state of são paulo, southeast brazil) to study the effects of air pollution on growth, biomass allocation and foliar nitrogen and fluoride concentrations. thirty-six potted plants were maintained over two periods of one year (jul/00 to jun/01; dec/00 to nov/01) at each of two experimental sites with distinct levels of air pollution: pilões river valley (pv) with ...200717289116
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