
the importance of the opossum (didelphis albiventris) as a reservoir for trypanosoma cruzi in bambuí, minas gerais a survey realized on the sylvatic and peridomestic environments at bambuí county, minas gerais state, 44 (37.9%) out of 116 opossums (didelphis albiventris) captured were found to be naturally infected with trypanosoma cruzi. one hundred and forty three parasite samples were obtained from 43 infected opossums using simultaneously hemoculture, xenodiagnosis (triatoma infestans, panstrongylus megistus and rhodnius neglectus) and examination of anal glands contents. the parasite samples were cha ...19911842405
[occurrence and biology of rhodnius neglectus lent, 1954 in palm trees of suburban areas of belo horizonte, minas gerais].eighty-one "macaubeiras" palm-trees (acrocomia sclerocarpa) from the periphery of belo horizonte city were cut down and dissected between april 1979 and july 1980. 60.5% of the trees were positive for r. neglectus and 463 specimens of this insect were collected, providing a mean rate of 9,45 individuals for positive palm-trees. r. neglectus seems to present a single annual generation in this region, but evidence was obtained that two generations may occur. its spawn period is related to the hot ...19846443015
attempts to improve xenodiagnosis: comparative test of sensibility using rhodnius neglectus, panstrongylus megistus, triatoma vitticeps and triatoma infestans in endemic areas of brazil.from june 1984 to july 1992, 392 xenodiagnostic tests were applied on 264 patients with chronic chagas disease from brazilian endemic areas of virgem da lapa and coronel murta, situated in the jequitinhonha valley, in the state of minas gerais. the susceptibilities of rhodnius neglectus, panstrongylus megistus, triatoma vitticeps and triatoma infestans were compared. most of the time 20 nymphs (fourth instar) of each species were applied to 161 women and 103 men aged between 5 and 83 years of ag ...19979302418
characterization of rhodnius neglectus from two regions of brazil using isoenzymes, genitalia morphology and morphometry.among the triatomines considered as secondary in the epidemiology of chagas disease, rhodnius neglectus is frequently captured in artificial ecotopes, especially peridomiciliary ones, rarely producing colonies indoors. nevertheless, the presence of breeding colonies in houses was unquestionably demonstrated in some areas of the state of goiás, brazil. previous isoenzyme comparisons of this species with morphologically close triatomines, such as r. prolixus, r. robustus or r. nasutus, did not pro ...199910224521
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