
[the epidemiology of chagas' disease in a rural area of the city of teresina, piauí, brazil].in the rural areas of teresina, 129 triatomines were captured distributed in (a) artificial ecotopes; a house with one triatoma brasiliensis, one panstrongylus geniculatus, rhodnius pictipes, and one rhodnius prolixus and in a uninhabited chicken house (7 rhodnius nasutus). (b) natural ecotopes; pahus orbignya martiana (41 rhodnius neglectus, 33 rhodnius prolixus and 41 rhodnius nasutus) and copernicia cerifera (3 rhodnius neglectus). the 22.6% of captured triatomines were infected by flagellate ...19921308066
[epidemiology of chagas disease in the municipalities of castelo do piaui and pedro ii, state of piaui, brazil].triatoma brasiliensis, triatoma pseudomaculata and rhodnius nasutus were captured in artificial and natural echotopes in ten localities situated in rural areas of castelo do piauí and pedro ii, state of piauí, brazil. nymphal instars predominated and birds were the main blood meal source for triatomines. t. brasiliensis was the only triatomine captured inside the houses searched, harbouring flagellates morphologically and biologically indistinguishable from trypanosoma (schizotrypanum) cruzi. sp ...19892517851
the palm tree copernicia cerifera (carnaúba) as an ecotope of rhodnius nasutus in rural areas of the state of piauí, northeastern brazil. 19863334280
ecological niche modelling and differentiation between rhodnius neglectus lent, 1954 and rhodnius nasutus stål, 1859 (hemiptera: reduviidae: triatominae) in brazil.ecological niche modelling was used to predict the potential geographical distribution of rhodnius nasutus stål and rhodnius neglectus lent, in brazil and to investigate the niche divergence between these morphologically similar triatomine species. the distribution of r. neglectus covered mainly the cerrado of central brazil, but the prediction maps also revealed its occurrence in transitional areas within the caatinga, pantanal and amazon biomes. the potential distribution of r. nasutus covered ...200920140378
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