
[molecular epidemiological markers of legionella pneumophila in the valencian community (i). plasma levels].we have investigated the presence of plasmids in 96 legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 strains isolated from clinical and environmental samples from the valencia area. our results show a higher incidence of a 83 md plasmid present in clinical as well as in environmental isolates, and a 120 md plasmid with lower incidence and observed exclusively in strains isolated from one area. the variability in plasmid detection from l. pneumophila and the effect on it in a hospital after disinfection treatm ...19912029552
[molecular epidemiological markers of legionella pneumophila in the valencian community (iii). peptide profiles].electrophoretic profiles using soluble peptides obtained from legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 have been studied to be used as epidemiological markers. using 8.5% polyacrylamide gels (sds-page) a unique profile common to environmental and clinical isolates has been detected showing 2 differential bands: a 150 kd and a 230 kd band present in only one clinical isolate. in order to achieve better resolution in the peptide profile 10 to 20% gradient sds-page has been used, confirming the existence ...19912029553
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