cathemerality and lunar periodicity of activity rhythms in owl monkeys of the argentinian chaco. | although most south american owl monkeys are mainly nocturnal, aotus azarai azarai of the argentinean chaco regularly shows diurnal activity. in this study we examined the strong influence of moonlight on its diurnal and nocturnal activity, as well as the interaction of moonlight effects with other exogenous factors. we analyzed long-term automated activity recordings obtained with accelerometer collars from 7 owl monkeys during 2003 and 2004. our data show marked lunar periodic and seasonal mod ... | 2006 | 16415581 |
mtdna diversity in azara's owl monkeys (aotus azarai azarai) of the argentinean chaco. | owl monkeys (aotus spp.) inhabit much of south america yet represent an enigmatic evolutionary branch among primates. while morphological, cytogenetic, and immunological evidence suggest that owl monkey populations have undergone isolation and diversification since their emergence in the new world, problems with adjacent species ranges, and sample provenance have complicated efforts to characterize genetic variation within the genus. as a result, the phylogeographic history of owl monkey species ... | 2011 | 21826638 |