
increased mercury and body size and changes in trophic structure of gambusia puncticulata (poeciliidae) along the almendares river, cuba.the almendares river is the largest river draining the area around havana city, cuba. the watershed is heavily populated and industrialized, which has had a significant impact on the flow and water quality of the river. the main goal of this study was to analyze the spatial variability in dietary habits, nutrient flow (using stable isotope ratios δ(15)n and δ(13)c), and mercury (hg) levels along the almendares river upstream and downstream of point-source discharges using localized fish gambusia ...201222990479
[reproductive and morphological indicators of the fish gambusia puncticulata (poeciliidae) in very polluted sections of almendares river, cuba].the almendares river watershed covers a large portion of havana city. human activities have negative impacts over it. we studied the alteration of biological processes in fish from polluted sites. stressor-based cumulative effects assessment was applied at individual level in gambusia puncticulata (poey, 1854). three sites of almendares river were sampled monthly from july 2006 to june 2007. length and weight of females, and condition factor for both sexes, were higher in the impacted sites. an ...200819419096
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