
comparison of carbon dioxide-baited trapping systems for sampling outdoor mosquito populations in tanzania.for collecting mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) the outdoor catching efficiency of four types of trapping devices baited with carbon dioxide (co2, 300 ml/ min) was evaluated and compared in two areas of tanzania. the types of traps employed were: the cdc miniature trap with the incandescent light bulb switched on or off; electric nets (ent) and a counterflow geometry (cfg) trap. in njage, southeast tanzania, anopheles gambiae giles sensu stricto was the most abundant of the seven mosquito species ...200011016432
behavioural and insecticidal effects of organophosphate-, carbamate- and pyrethroid-treated mosquito nets against african malaria vectors.three insecticides - the pyrethroid deltamethrin, the carbamate carbosulfan and the organophosphate chlorpyrifos-methyl - were tested on mosquito nets in experimental huts to determine their potential for introduction as malaria control measures. their behavioural effects and efficacy were examined in anopheles gambiae giles s.s. (diptera: culicidae) and anopheles funestus giles s.s. in muheza, tanzania, and in anopheles arabiensis patton and culex quinquefasciatus say in moshi, tanzania. a stan ...200919941597
vector species composition and malaria infectivity rates in mkuzi, muheza district, north-eastern tanzania.entomological surveys were conducted in mkuzi village in muheza district, north-east tanzania from april to september 2003. the objectives were to determine the species composition and infectivity rates of mosquitoes in mkuzi village. mosquito collection was done using cdc light trap and pyrethrum spray catch (psc) techniques. the light trap: spray catch ratio was 2.2:1. a total of 2157 mosquitoes were collected (light trap = 1483; psc = 674). anopheles gambiae s.s. accounted for 56.7% (n = 1224 ...200818680965
sampling gravid culex quinquefasciatus (diptera: culicidae) in tanzania with traps baited with synthetic oviposition pheromone and grass infusions.the effectiveness of traps baited with (5r,6s)-6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide (the synthetic oviposition pheromone) and grass infusions in sampling a population of gravid culex quinquefasciatus say was conducted in muheza, northeast tanzania. a counterflow geometry (cfg) trap baited with pheromone and set outdoors, adjacent to a pit latrine building, collected more gravid cx. quinquefasciatus than a cdc trap baited with pheromone and operated without light. inside pit latrine buildings, significantl ...200015218923
the response of culex quinquefasciatus (diptera: culicidae) to traps baited with carbon dioxide, 1-octen-3-ol, acetone, butyric acid and human foot odour in tanzania.the responses of culex quinquefasciatus say to traps baited with carbon dioxide, 1-octen-3-ol, acetone, butyric acid and human foot odour were studied in the field in muheza, north-east tanzania using counterflow geometry (cfg) and centers for disease control (cdc) traps. it was found that significantly more c. quinquefasciatus responded to foot odour collected on nylon stockings than to clean nylon stockings (p < 0.05). significantly more mosquitoes were caught in a cfg trap baited with carbon ...200010948375
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