
mosquito control in dar es salaam. i. assessment of culex quinquefasciatus breeding sites prior to preparation for a trial polystyrene beads and pyriproxyfen for the control of culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, surveys of their breeding were carried out in two contrasting areas of dar es salaam, mikocheni and ilala, during the dry season. sanitation structures (latrines, soakage pits, septic tanks and cess pits) were the most profilic breeding places, totalling 780 in mikocheni and 1544 in ilala. those in mikocheni were estimated to contain about 1.4 times more mosquito pupae, per site, t ...19957787221
can vector control play a useful supplementary role against bancroftian filariasis?a single campaign of mass treatment for bancroftian filariasis with diethylcarbamazine (dec) in makunduchi, a town in zanzibar, united republic of tanzania, combined with elimination of mosquito breeding in pit latrines with polystyrene beads was followed by a progressive decline over a 5-year period in the microfilarial rate from 49% to 3%. evidence that vector control had contributed to this long-term decline was obtained by comparison with another town, moga, where a dec campaign was used wit ...199910083712
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