heavy metal and selenium levels in feathers of young egrets and herons from hong kong and szechuan, china. | several species of herons and egrets frequently nest in colonies in areas where humans also concentrate. since the birds feed on intermediate-sized fish that themselves concentrate pollutants, they can be used not only to assess the levels of contaminants in avian tissues but as indicators of contaminants in the environment. the concentration of heavy metals and selenium in the breast feathers of fledgling black-crowned night herons nycticorax nycticorax and chinese pond herons ardeola bacchus f ... | 1993 | 8215588 |
risk to breeding success of ardeids by contaminants in hong kong: evidence from trace metals in feathers. | the feathers of two ardeid species, the little egret (egretta garzetta) and the black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax) were collected from six egretries and two egretries respectively, located in different areas in the new territories of hong kong, including the mai po marshes (within a ramsar site). these feathers were digested and concentrations (microg/g dry weight) of copper (4.6-19.4), iron (8.1-641.3), manganese (0.4-19.4), zinc (51.3-183.5), lead (0.1-5.1), cadmium (0.01-0.15), ... | 2002 | 11898800 |
risk to breeding success of fish-eating ardeids due to persistent organic contaminants in hong kong: evidence from organochlorine compounds in eggs. | eggs of two ardeid species, the little egret (egretta garzetta) and the black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax), were collected from two egretries located in the new territories of hong kong with one located near the internationally acclaimed wetland reserve, the mai po marshes, and the other in a remote site (a chau). the eggs were analysed for organochlorine (oc) compounds including the ddts, pcbs, hexachlorocyclohexanes (hchs) and the chlordanes (chls). all of the ocs under investig ... | 2003 | 12502075 |
trace element residues in eggs of little egret (egretta garzetta) and black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax) from hong kong, china. | | 2004 | 14972593 |
risk to breeding success of waterbirds by contaminants in hong kong: evidence from trace elements in eggs. | concentrations of 17 trace elements (as, se, rb, sr, ag, sb, cs, tl, pb, v, cr, mn, co, cu, zn, cd, and hg) were determined in eggs of little egrets (egretta garzetta), black-crowned night herons (nycticorax nycticorax) and bridled terns (sterna anaethetus) from northwestern and northeastern coastal areas of hong kong. results indicated significant differences among the three species. eggs of little egrets and black-crowned night herons appeared to be good bioindicators for monitoring selected e ... | 2005 | 15749545 |
polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in local waterbird eggs from hong kong: risk assessment to local waterbirds. | the contamination status of the marine environment in hong kong was studied by measuring concentrations of organochlorine (oc) pollutants (i.e., hexachlorobenzene, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, mirex, total heptachlor, total chlordane, total ddts, total pcbs, and total toxaphenes) in the eggs of selected waterbird species from different locations around the city: little egret (egretta garzetta) and chinese pond heron (ardeola bacchus) from mai po village, great egret (ardea alba) and black-crowned n ... | 2011 | 21440927 |