
molecular mapping of genes for resistance to the bean pod weevil (apion godmani wagner) in common bean.the bean pod weevil (apion godmani wagner) is a serious insect pest of common beans (phaseolus vulgaris l.) grown in mexico and central america that is best controlled by host-plant resistance available in durango or jalisco genotypes such as j-117. given unreliable infestation by the insect, the use of marker-assisted selection is desirable. in the present study, we developed a set of nine molecular markers for apion resistance and mapped them to loci on chromosomes 2, 3, 4 and 6 (linkage group ...200616397789
simultaneous detection of both rna and dna viruses infecting dry bean and occurrence of mixed infections by bgymv, bcmv and bcmnv in the central-west region of mexico.a multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) assay was developed to simultaneously detect bean common mosaic virus (bcmv), bean common mosaic necrotic virus (bcmnv), and bean golden yellow mosaic virus (bgymv) from common bean leaves dried with silica gel using a single total nucleic acid extraction cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (ctab) method. a mixture of five specific primers was used to amplify three distinct fragments corresponding to 272 bp from the ac1 gene of bg ...201728358318
effect of cultivar and growing location on the trypsin inhibitors, tannins, and lectins of common beans (phaseolus vulgaris l.) grown in the semiarid highlands of mexico.trypsin inhibitors (ti), tannins, and lectins appear to have a role in preventing chronic diseases in humans. the genetic variability of these traits in common bean needs to be ascertained in order to increase levels through breeding. the variability of ti, tannin, and lectins was determined in five bean cultivars grown at five locations in mexico. ti and tannins contents in colored beans that belong to the jalisco race were higher (11.1-11.9 trypsin units inhibited (tui)/mg and 29.0-38.1 mg cat ...200313129302
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