
evaluation of bush and vine black beans for physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics.the present study was undertaken to learn if there are physical, chemical and nutritional differences between vine and bush type of beans. four samples of black color beans (phaseolus vulgaris) of the vine type, and four of the bush type were collected from farmers in the same growing area. the samples were analyzed for some physical properties including, 100 seed weight, size distribution percent seed coat, water absorption, cooking time, and of solids on cooking waters. vine type beans had lar ...19958729266
effects of altitude above sea level on the cooking time and nutritional value of common beans.the present study was conducted with the objective to determine the effects of altitude above sea level, on the cooking time and nutritional value of common black beans (phaseolus vulgaris). three 100 g samples of the ostua variety were cooked at 8 individual locations, ranging in altitude from 0 to 2256 meters, in guatemala, to establish water uptake and cooking time. the cooked samples were separated into cooked beans and cooking broth for chemical analysis. this included moisture, protein, ly ...19969139304
[role of black bean phaseolus vulgaris on the nutritional status of guatemalan population].guatemala provides an example of epidemiological superposition, in which health problems typical of developed countries and developing countries are both observed. nutritional deficiencies in some micronutrients like vitamin a and iron coexist alongside chronic diseases such as diabetes type ii and cardiovascular diseases. the importance of black beans in the normal guatemala diet is well known:70g per capita of black beans are consumed daily. black beans are an important sources of protein and ...200415332354
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