
hosts, seasonal occurrence and life cycle of rhipicentor nuttalli (acari: ixodidae).there are only two species worldwide within the genus rhipicentor, namely rhipicentor bicornis and rhipicentor nuttalli and both occur only in africa. rhipicentor nuttali has a widespread distribution in south africa and the present investigation was initiated to elucidate its host preference, seasonality and life cycle. rock elephant shrews, elephantulus myurus were examined for ticks at four localities in the free state province, one in gauteng province and two in limpopo province, south afric ...200212356163
hosts, seasonality and geographic distribution of the south african tortoise tick, amblyomma marmoreum.the tortoise tick amblyomma marmoreum was collected from large numbers of reptiles and other animals during the course of numerous surveys conducted in south africa. a total of 1229 ticks, of which 550 were adults, were recovered from 309 reptiles belonging to 13 species, with leopard tortoises, geochelone pardalis being the most heavily infested. the 269 birds sampled harboured 4901 larvae, 217 nymphs and no adult ticks, and the prevalence of infestation was greatest on helmeted guineafowls, nu ...200616715875
who bites the bullet first? the susceptibility of leopards panthera pardus to trophy hunting.reliable data is fundamentally important for managing large carnivore populations, and vital for informing hunting quota levels if those populations are subject to trophy hunting. camera-trapping and spoor counts can provide reliable population estimates for many carnivores, but governments typically lack the resources to implement such surveys over the spatial scales required to inform robust quota setting. it may therefore be prudent to shift focus away from estimating population size and inst ...201525860139
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