
the prevalence of anti-phospholipid antibodies in a selected population of kenyan women and development of a non-human primate model.the mechanisms by which anti-phospholipid antibodies (apls) may induce pregnancy losses, intrauterine growth retardation and pregnancy-induced hypertension are not clearly understood. moreover, there is a controversy regarding the possible direct effects of these antibodies on the physiology of the placenta since the target antigens of these antibodies are intracellular antigens and are potentially inaccessible to the antibody. also, controversy exists regarding the usefulness of the treatment r ...200414974450
ovarian stimulation, egg aspiration, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in the baboon (papio anubis): a pilot project at the institute of primate research, nairobi, kenya. 200414971420
prevalence of antibodies against simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) and simian t-lymphotropic virus (stlv) in a colony of non-human primates in kenya, east africa.sera (165 samples in 1988 and 66, follow-up samples in 1989) were collected from olive baboons, african green monkeys, syke's monkeys and grey mangabeys kept in a semi-free, breeding colony at the institute of primate research (ipr) in nairobi, kenya. the levels of antibodies to simian t-lymphotropic virus (stlv) or simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), and the reactivity patterns of positive sera to various lentivirus subgroup antigens, were then determined. the results of tests using enzyme-imm ...19968729629
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