
prevalence of wheeze and asthma and relation to atopy in urban and rural ethiopia.asthma and allergy in developing countries may be associated with adoption of an urbanised "western" lifestyle. we compared the rates of asthma symptoms and atopy in urban populations in jimma, southwest ethiopia, at an early stage of economic development with those among the population of remote, rural, subsistence areas, and assessed the potential role of environmental aetiological factors leading to the differences.19979228959
independent effects of intestinal parasite infection and domestic allergen exposure on risk of wheeze in ethiopia: a nested case-control study.why asthma is rare in rural subsistence societies is not clear. we tested the hypotheses that the risk of asthma is reduced by intestinal parasites or hepatitis a infection, and increased by exposure to dust-mite allergen or organophosphorus insecticides in urban and rural areas of jimma, ethiopia.200111705561
prevalence and associated factors of atopic dermatitis symptoms in rural and urban ethiopia.allergic diseases, including atopic dermatitis (ad), are increasingly becoming a clinical problem in developing countries.200415144471
wheezing, allergy, and parasite infection in children in urban and rural ethiopia.epidemiological studies in developing countries suggest that intestinal parasite infection may reduce the risk of asthma. because this evidence is all derived from adults and older children, we have investigated the relation between parasite infection, wheezing, and allergen skin sensitization in nested case-control studies drawn from a survey of 7,155 children aged 1 to 4 years living in urban and rural areas of jimma, ethiopia. infection with parasites was common, predominantly with trichuris ...200312738598
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