
serotypic differentiation of rotaviruses in field samples from diarrheic pigs by using nucleic acid probes specific for porcine vp4 and human and porcine vp7 genes.of 216 fecal and intestinal samples collected from nursing or weaned diarrheic pigs in the united states and canada, 57 were identified as group a rotavirus positive by rna electrophoresis and silver staining. fifty-seven and 52 rotavirus-positive samples were analyzed by hybridization with gottfried and osu pcr-derived gene 9 and 4 probes, respectively. only 17 samples were identified with either homologous vp4 (p)- or vp7 (g)-coding genes or both. one rotavirus identified as g4 and p7 was simi ...19948150940
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