morphological and biological notes on polymorphus (profilicollis) sphaerocephalus and corynosoma stanleyi (polymorphidae: acanthocephala). | polymorphus (profilicollis) sphaerocephalus (bremser in rudolphi, 1819) van cleave, 1947 (polymorphidae) cystacanths were recovered from 5 species of grapsid crabs (paragrapsus gaimardii (milne edwards, 1837), paragrapsus laevis (dana, 1852), paragrapsus quadridentatus (milne edwards, 1837), brachynotus spinosus (milne edwards, 1853), and cyclograpsus granulosus (milne edwards, 1853)) and 1 species of portunid crab (nectocarcinus integrifrons (linnaeus, 1766)) from intertidal zones in southern t ... | 1998 | 9714213 |