
life cycle and epizootiology of amblyospora ferocis (microspora: amblyosporidae) in the mosquito psorophora ferox (diptera: culicidae).a natural population of psorophora ferox (humbold, 1820) infected with the microsporidium amblyospora ferocis garcia et becnel, 1994 was sampled weekly during a seven-month survey in punta lara, buenos aires province, argentina. the sequence of development of a. ferocis in larvae of p. ferox leading to the formation of meiospores followed the developmental pathway previously reported for various species of amblyospora. the natural prevalence of a. ferocis in the larval population of p. ferox ran ...200314535341
age structure of adult mosquito (diptera: culicidae) populations from buenos aires province, order to detect seasonal trends in the age structure of adult mosquitoes from buenos aires province, argentina, female populations were sampled with cdc traps during 1989-1991 in punta lara and la plata. the mosquitoes were dissected and age-grouped according to ovarian tracheation and ovariolar stages. all runchomyia paranensis females were parous, suggesting that this species could be autogenous. aedes albifasciatus showed parous peaks following population peaks, with shorter delays in spri ...19979332579
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