
[reproductive cycle of lytechinus variegatus (echinoidea: toxopneustidae) in the south of margarita island, venezuela].the sea urchin lytechinus variegatus is of some commercial importance on the southern coast of margarita island (venezuela), where artisan women fishers process and sell the roe. the reproduction cycle of this species had not been fully studied. we collected these sea urchins in two stations from november 1997 through october 1998. the samples were transported fresh to the laboratory to determine weight, diameter and height. the sexual stage was established with a macroscopic scale and the gonad ...200517469260
[embrionary and larval development of lytechinus variegatus (echinoidea: toxopneustidae) in laboratory conditions at isla de margarita-venezuela].the sea urchin lytechinus variegatus is a promissory species for aquaculture activities in tropical countries. in venezuela, this species has some economical importance but their embryonic and larval development had not been studied. we collected specimens from seagrass beds in margarita island (venezuela) and kept them in the laboratory, where they spawned naturally. with filtered sea water (temperature 28 degrees c, salinity 37 psu) and moderate aeration, the eggs and sperm were mixed (relatio ...200517469261
[diameter-weight relationship and chromatic proportion of the sea urchin lytechinus variegatus (echinoidea: toxopneustidae) in the islands of margarita and cubagua, venezuela].in margarita and cabagua islands, venezuela, the sea urchin lytechinus variegatus is consumed as food but few studies concern its biology. between january 1999 and september 2000, 25 localities of margarita and cubagua islands we visited to determinate the relationship between diameter and weight of living urchins according to their coloration green or white. a total of 5 066 urchins (3 421 captured in margarita and 1 645 in cubagua) were measured. there is no significant difference in the weigh ...200315264557
[abundance of sea urchin lytechinus variegatus (lamarck) on north, east and west coasts of margarita island (venezuela) ].the sea urchin roe reach a very high price in the international fish product market favoring the increase in the catches of this resource and overfishing in some countries. in the island of margarita (venezuela) some species, lytechinus variegatus (lamarck) among others, are consumed as food but studies to determine abundance of the resource are unknown. nine sample stations (depth less than 2 m) on the north, east and west coast of margarita island were visited in six different occasions betwee ...200212216495
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