
a survey of gnathostoma larvae in fresh water fish in the valley of the yangtze river and morphological characteristics of the recovered larvae.investigations of the prevalence of larval gnathostomes in fresh water fishes were carried out at the southeastern yangtze valley, people's republic of china, in the periods of october 1989 and november 1990. fishes were collected from shanghai, chenchiang, nanching, chiuchiang and nanchang districts in 1989. additional sampling in shanghai district was done at kunshan, tien-shanfu, chingpu and nanhui. species of fishes collected were channa argus (110), siniperca chuatsi (24) and silurus asotus ...19969185266
[gnathostoma larvae investigation in fresh water fishes in the valley of chinese chang river and the morphological characteristics of the larvae].an investigations were carried out on the prevalence of larval gnathostomes in fresh water fishes in southeast area of the yang-tze valley, the people's republic of china, from october to november. the fishes were collected from five districts which were from shanghai, chenchiang, nanching, chiuchiang and nanchang, especially the shanghai district involved kunshan, tienshanhu, chingpu and nanhui areas. species of the fishes collected were channa argus (110), siniperca chuatssi (24) and silurus a ...201020653198
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