
increased potential for nad(p)h-dependent reactive oxygen species production of hepatic subcellular fractions of fish species with in vivo exposure to contaminants.the present study investigated the proposed involvement of contaminant-stimulated reactive oxygen species (ros) production in disease processes in fish. nad(p)h-dependent ros production of subcellular fractions was determined by the iron/edta-mediated oxidation of 2-keto-4-methiolbutyric acid. hepatic cytosolic nadph-dependent and microsomal nad(p)h-dependent ros production were increased 51-160% (p < 0.05) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) 15 weeks after a single i.p. injection of polychlo ...200011460751
organic contaminants and trace metals in flounder liver and sediment from the amsterdam and rotterdam harbours and off the dutch contaminants [polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), organochlorine pesticides (ocps), polybrominated diphenylethers (pbdes), nonylphenols], organotin compounds and trace metals (cadmium, chromium, mercury and zinc) were determined in flounder (platichthys flesus) liver and sediment from the amsterdam harbour (north sea canal) and rotterdam harbour (euromonding) and off the dutch coast between the amsterdam and rotterdam harbour mouths in order to assess the level of contamination in these ha ...200111523438
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