molecular evidence for sequential colonization and taxon cycling in freshwater decapod shrimps on a caribbean island. | taxon cycling, i.e. sequential phases of expansions and contractions in species' distributions associated with ecological or morphological shifts, are postulated to characterize dynamic biogeographic histories in various island faunas. the caribbean freshwater shrimp assemblage is mostly widespread and sympatric throughout the region, although one species (atyidae: atya lanipes) is geographically restricted and ecologically and morphologically differentiated from other atya species. using patter ... | 2008 | 18261048 |
relative importance of bacteria and fungi in a tropical headwater stream: leaf decomposition and invertebrate feeding preference. | bacteria and fungi provide critical links between leaf detritus and higher trophic levels in forested headwater food webs, but these links in tropical streams are not well understood. we compared the roles of bacteria and fungi in the leaf decomposition process and determining feeding preference for two species of freshwater shrimp found in the luquillo experimental forest, puerto rico, using experimental microcosms. we first tested the effects of four treatments on decomposition rates for leave ... | 2005 | 16052374 |