
differential effects of origin and salinity rearing conditions on growth of glass eels of the american eel anguilla rostrata: implications for stocking this study, growth patterns were monitored in controlled fresh and brackish water (bw) conditions for 7 months during anguilla rostrata glass eel and elver stages. null hypotheses tested were that there is no significant difference in growth between glass eels (1) collected from two geographic regions typified by different sex ratios, (2) reared in fresh and bw and (3) due to origin x salinity interactions. it was found that young a. rostrata from mira river (mr, cape breton, nova scotia, can ...200920735681
regional variation of gene regulation associated with storage lipid metabolism in american glass eels (anguilla rostrata).variation in gene regulation may be involved in the differences observed for life history traits within species. american eel (anguilla rostrata) is well known to harbor distinct ecotypes within a single panmictic population. we examined the expression of genes involved in the regulation of appetite as well as lipid and glycogen among glass eels migrating to different locations on the canadian east coast and captured at two different periods of upstream migration. gene expression levels of three ...201626921640
distribution, prevalence, and intensity of the swim bladder parasite anguillicola crassus in new england and eastern the summer of 2005, yellow phase american eels anguilla rostrata were examined for the swim bladder parasite anguillicola crassus from 26 locations in new england, usa, ranging from the pawcatuck river, rhode island, to the east machias river, maine. an additional 12 sites were sampled within canada during the summers of 2006 and 2007: 7 sites in southern nova scotia and 5 sites within the st. lawrence river system. in 2007, eels were also obtained from new brunswick, northern nova scotia, pr ...200919565700
first record of anguillicoloides crassus (nematoda) in american eels (anguilla rostrata) in canadian estuaries, cape breton, nova the summer of 2007, american eels, anguilla rostrata, from 2 localities on cape breton island, were found to be infected with the swim bladder nematode anguillicoloides crassus. this is the first documented report of this highly invasive parasite in canadian waters. more than half of the yellow eels in mira river (6 of 10), and 1 eel (of 5) from sydney harbour were infected. parasite intensity ranged from 1 to 11 worms per eel. the occurrence of a. crassus at these 2 localities suggests the n ...200918767906
initial infection, distribution, and seasonal occurrence of hoferellus gilsoni (myxozoa) within a population of anguilla rostrata (anguillidae) in southern nova scotia.recently transformed elvers of anguilla rostrata, entering the mouth of the east river in the timber/connaught lake watershed (nova scotia) from the sea in mid-may, did not develop infections of the urinary bladder parasite hoferellus gilsoni (myxozoa) after nearly 3 mo in captivity. however, 40% of elvers collected from the mouth of the river in early june and 80% in late june exhibited patent infections by mid-august. it is speculated that given this initial level of infection, the summer run ...200111695415
first report of the invasive eel pest pseudodactylogyrus bini in north america and in wild american eels.we detected 2 species of monogenean gill worms, pseudodactylogyrus bini (kikuchi, 1929) gusev, 1965 and p. anguillae (yin & sproston, 1948) gusev, 1965 (monopisthocotylea: pseudodactylogyridae), on american eel anguilla rostrata in 2 rivers in south carolina, usa. one of these, p. anguillae, was reported 5 yr ago from nova scotia; as well as in south carolina, we also discovered it in 2 localities in chesapeake bay. differences in the morphologies of specimens of either species of worm from nort ...200111253875
on the distribution and abundance of eel parasites in nova scotia: influence of ph.the geographic distribution of metazoan parasites of american eels (anguilla rostrata) was determined from 28 sites in the southern upland and adjacent regions of nova scotia. twelve parasite species were encountered. component community diversity as measured by species richness, shannon-wiener index (h') and hill's number (n1) decreased when ph < 5.4. seven species (azygia longa, crepidostomum brevivitellum, bothriocephalus claviceps, proteocephalus macrocephalus, paraquimperia tenerrima, echin ...19968636841
parasite communities as indicators of ecosystem stress.many parasites have complex life cycles and for transmission depend on the presence of a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate intermediate hosts, including members of the benthos and zooplankton. thus, food web dynamics and trophic interactions have a powerful influence on parasite community structure. in addition, many parasites possess free-living stages that are also susceptible to environmental conditions. therefore, the parasite community within a single host species such as a fish is ind ...19979802071
comparison of richness and diversity of macroparasite communities among eels from nova scotia, the united kingdom and australia.species richness and diversity of macroparasite assemblages were compared among american eels (anguilla rostrata) from nova scotia, european eels (a. anguilla) from the united kingdom (kennedy, bush & aho, 1986; esch et al. 1988; kennedy, 1990, 1993), and australian eels (a. reinhardtii) from queensland (kennedy, 1995). community richness and diversity of the macroparasite fauna of american and european eels did not differ significantly for total parasite component communities, intestinal parasi ...19989481777
on the distribution and abundance of eel parasites in nova scotia: local versus regional variation in macroparasite species distribution and richness was observed in eels (anguilla rostrata) among 7 sites in the timber lake drainage system, nova scotia. there was a positive relationship between maximum local species distribution, as measured by maximum prevalence at a site, and regional distribution, as measured by the number of sites in which a parasite was found within the watershed and among 28 sites across nova scotia. species richness increased with spatial scale. ...19968885874
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