
foraging resources of adult mexican corn rootworm (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) in bell county, texas.pollen analyses were used to determine pollen foraging resources of adult mexican corn rootworms, diabrotica virgifera zeae krysan & smith, captured near temple, bell county, tx, in 1996 and 1997. in 1996, adult mexican corn rootworms were captured in a corn, zea mays l., field. in 1997, nine locations outside of cornfields were added. overall, 92% of the beetles (n = 1,323) contained pollen. more than 142,000 pollen grains were counted, representing 45 families, 63 genera, and 27 species. overa ...200010902309
genome scan of hybridizing sunflowers from texas (helianthus annuus and h. debilis) reveals asymmetric patterns of introgression and small islands of genomic differentiation.although the sexual transfer of genetic material between species (i.e. introgression) has been documented in many groups of plants and animals, genome-wide patterns of introgression are poorly understood. is most of the genome permeable to interspecific gene flow, or is introgression typically restricted to a handful of genomic regions? here, we assess the genomic extent and direction of introgression between three sunflowers from the south-central usa: the common sunflower, helianthus annuus ss ...201020355258
hybridization and the colonization of novel habitats by annual sunflowers.although invasive plant species often have a hybrid ancestry, unambiguous evidence that hybridization has stimulated the evolution of invasive behaviors has been difficult to come by. here, we briefly review how hybridization might contribute to the colonization of novel habitats, range expansions, and invasiveness and then describe work on hybrid sunflowers that forges a direct link between hybridization and ecological divergence. we first discuss the invasion of texas by the common sunflower a ...200716955330
quantitative trait locus mapping identifies candidate alleles involved in adaptive introgression and range expansion in a wild sunflower.the wild north american sunflowers helianthus annuus and h. debilis are participants in one of the earliest identified examples of adaptive trait introgression, and the exchange is hypothesized to have triggered a range expansion in h. annuus. however, the genetic basis of the adaptive exchange has not been examined. here, we combine quantitative trait locus (qtl) mapping with field measurements of fitness to identify candidate h. debilis qtl alleles likely to have introgressed into h. annuus to ...201525522096
adaptive introgression of abiotic tolerance traits in the sunflower helianthus annuus.*adaptive trait introgression is increasingly recognized as common. however, it is unclear whether adaptive genetic exchanges typically affect only a single trait, or instead affect multiple aspects of the phenotype. here, we examine introgression of abiotic tolerance traits between two hybridizing north american sunflower species, helianthus annuus and helianthus debilis. *in two common gardens in the hybrid range, we measured 10 ecophysiological, phenological, and architectural traits for pare ...201020345635
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