
theileriosis of sheep and goats in china.theileriosis is an important disease of sheep and goats in west china. its main distribution includes qinghai, gansu, ningxia, inner mongolia, shaanxi and sichuan. the epidemic period is from late march to july with april-may being the peak months. this is the period of most intensive tick attack by haemaphysalis qinghaiensis (77.2-99.24%) during the year. it has been proved that the nymphs and adults, which develop from larvae and nymphs engorged on infected sheep or goats can transmit the path ...19979512737
ticks of small ruminants in china.the importance of ticks and tick-borne diseases of small ruminants in china is discussed. of the 109 species of ticks identified to date in china, 45 species infest small ruminants. five species have been proved to be involved, or possibly involved, in the transmission of tick-borne diseases. anaplasma ovis, babesia motasi, babesia ovis and two unidentified species of theileria, have been recorded in small ruminants in china. the diseases caused by these organisms are widespread in china, causin ...200717823826
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