
redescriptions of the species of physaloptera rudolphi, 1819 (nematoda: spirurida) parasitic in bandicoots (marsupialia: perameloidea) in australia.the species of physaloptera rudolphi, 1819 (nematoda: spirurida) occurring in bandicoots (families peramelidae and thalacomyidae) in australia were re-examined and re-described. physaloptera peramelis johnston & mawson, 1939 was found in perameles nasuta geoffroy and occasionally in isoodon macrourus (gould) in eastern australia. ph. peragale johnson & mawson, 1940 from macrotis leucura (thomas) from the northern territory is treated as a junior synonym of ph. peramelis. ph. thalacomys johnston ...199910619061
eastern barred bandicoot recovery: the role of the veterinarian in the management of endangered species.the eastern barred bandicoot, perameles gunnii, formerly widespread on the volcanic plains of western victoria, has been reduced to a single, rapidly-declining, remnant population at hamilton. recovery of this critically endangered species has included local management, in an attempt to stabilise the wild population, captive breeding and reintroduction to selected sites. veterinary advice and assistance have been an integral part of the investigation, planning and implementation phases of the pr ...19968660217
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