
[larval anisakidae in musculature of pagrus pagrus from the state of rio de janeiro, brazil].musculature of 36 specimens of pagrus pagrus from the coastal zone of the state of rio de janeiro were examined to study larval of anisakid nematodes between january and may 2008. a total of 24 larval of anisakis sp., contracaecum sp., hysterothylacium sp. and raphidascaris sp. were collected infecting seven fishes (19.4%). larval hysterothylacium sp. and contracaecum sp. showed highest prevalence and hysterothylacium sp. highest parasite abundance. this is the first record of larval anisakids i ...200920040196
a new species of anoplodiscus (monogenea: anoplodiscidae) parasitic on pagrus pagrus (osteichthyes: sparidae) from the coastal zone of the state of rio de janeiro, brazil.a new species of anoplodiscus (monogenea, anoplodiscidae), parasitic on gills of the red porgy, pagrus pagrus, from the coastal zone of the state of rio de janeiro, brazil, is described and illustrated. the new species can be differentiated from the other species of this genus by the shape of the accessory piece of the copulatory complex, and the length of the vagina. this is the first record of a species of anoplodiscus in the neotropical region.200312563489
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