
evaluation of trace heavy metal levels of some fish species sold at retail in kayseri,, ni, cr, zn, cu and pb concentrations of muscle tissue of 61 fish samples belonging to six fish species (sparus auratus, pomatomus saltatrix, sarda sarda, engraulis encrasicholus, sander lucioperca, scomber scombrus) retailed in kayseri, turkey were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after wet digestion. cd concentrations of at least 31 fish samples (50.8%) and pb concentrations of at least six fish samples (9.8%) exceeded the corresponding turkish permissible limit of 0.05 an ...200918344008
assessment of trace metal concentrations in muscle tissue of certain commercially available fish species from kayseri, turkey.regular consumption of fish has been widely recommended by health authorities. however, it is known that some species accumulate high levels of contaminants including heavy metals (e.g., hg, cd, pb, and as). in this study, cu, pb, co, ni, cr, mn, cd, and fe were determined in the muscle tissue of 11 commercially available fish species (sparus auratus, dicentrarchus labrax, mullus barbatus, belone belone, psetta maxima, epinephelus aeneus, salmothymus, soleidae, pomatomus saltatrix, engraulis enc ...201424633787
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