
evaluation of the role of black carbon in attenuating bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from field-contaminated sediments.the significance of black carbon (bc) for the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) was examined by using historically contaminated intact sediment cores in laboratory exposure experiments with the deposit-feeding amphipod monoporeia affinis. log values of amphipod biota-sediment accumulation factors (bsafs) were significantly related to log bc, whereas log bsafs were related to log octanol-water partition coefficients only in background sediments containing less bc. in the ...200415559275
mobility and bioavailability of trace metals in sulfidic coastal sediments.high concentrations of hg, cd, pb, cu, and zn were found in the euxinic sediment of the inner archipelago of stockholm. in the sulfide-rich sediment, they are precipitated as metal sulfides with low dissolving capacity and bioavailability. in two experiments, the significance of acid-volatile sulfide (avs) and dissolved sulfides for mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity of metals were studied by oxygenation of intact sediment cores. influence of bioturbating deposit-feeding amphipods, that is, ...200111345449
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