
role of some environmental factors in modulating seasonal abundance of potential japanese encephalitis vectors in assam, india.temporal changes in the abundance of host-seeking, potential japanese encephalitis (je) vector mosquitos and the role of some ecological factors that are modulating the abundance of vector mosquitos were studied. vector surveillance was conducted for one year in 4 je prone villages of dibrugarh, assam. among potential je vectors, the most abundant mosquito was culex vishnui s.s. comprising about 22.32%. maximum density of the mosquito was found during the month of april and another peak was obse ...19969280008
an investigation into the je epidemic of 2000 in upper assam--a perspective study.the viral encephalitis epidemic during 2000 involved all the seven districts of upper assam (with 96.4% cases). the epidemiological, serological, clinical and entomological observations of the epidemic confirmed it to be due to je. these were analysed, presented and discussed in the light of past history/records of the disease in the state. the epidemic was confined to the peak monsoon months of july and august (96% of the cases in the past). serologically, 75-90% cases were confirmed to be due ...200214768832
host feeding patterns of culex vishnui sub group of mosquitoes in dibrugarh district of assam.the host feeding patterns of three species of mosquitoes belonging to vishnui sub group, culex tritaeniorhynchus, culex vishnui and culex pseudovishnui, the most prevalent species in dibrugarh district were determined by analysing their blood meals. all 3 species were found be essentially zoophilic. high percentage of pig feeding was observed in culex tritaeniorhynchus (40 per cent) and culex vishnui (35.3 per cent) in comparison to other prevalent species in this area. in contrast culex pseudov ...19947868835
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