
[phytoplankton community in a recreational fishing lake, brazil].the assessment of water quality and phytoplankton community in recreational environments allows to setting management programs aiming at preventing potential harm to human health. the purpose of the present study was to describe phytoplankton seasonal changes in a freshwater system and their relation to water quality.200415499439
population dynamics: seasonal variation of phytoplankton functional groups in brazilian reservoirs (billings and guarapiranga, são paulo).phytoplankton may function as a 'sensor' of changes in aquatic environment and responds rapidly to such changes. in freshwaters, coexistence of species that have similar ecological requirements and show the same environmental requirements frequently occurs; such species groups are named functional groups. the use of phytoplankton functional groups to evaluate these changes has proven to be very useful and effective. thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of functional groups ...200919967171
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