
foreign body perforation of the esophagus initiating traumatic pericarditis in an australian fur seal.postmortem examination of a juvenile australian fur seal, arctocephalus pusillus doriferus, washed ashore on philip island, victoria, revealed traumatic fibrinous pericarditis and hemothorax. a foreign body lodged in the right ventricle was identified as the barbed spine of the ray urolophus paucimaculatus. a small puncture wound through the esophagus indicated the initial perforation site.1978368351
characteristics of marine debris that entangle australian fur seals (arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) in southern australia.marine debris is a global issue that can have devastating impacts on marine mammals. to understand the types of materials that result in entanglement and thus the potential impact of entangling items on marine wildlife, we analysed data collected from items in which australian fur seals had been entangled in southern victoria, australia over a 15year period. from 1997 to 2012, 138 entangling items were removed from seals. the majority of these entanglements were plastic twine or rope, and seals ...201526165938
characterisation of the mitochondrial genome of parafilaroides normani (lungworm) of arctocephalus pusillus doriferus (australian fur seal).parafilaroides normani is a metastrongyloid nematode of clinical relevance in some species of pinnipeds. the taxonomy, biology and epidemiology of this and related species are not well understood. mitochondrial (mt) dna can provide markers for studies in these areas, but genetic data are scant. here, we characterised the mt genome of p. normani. adults of this nematode were collected from arctocephalus pusillus doriferus from phillip island, victoria, australia, and genomic dna was extracted fro ...201424924434
utility of fur as a biomarker for persistent organic pollutants in australian fur seals (arctocephalus pusillus doriferus).persistent organic pollutants (pops) can cause toxic effects in many species which include endocrine dysfunction, immunotoxicity, developmental defects and neoplasia. species dominating the upper trophic level are vulnerable to these effects due to bioaccumulation. in bass strait, the australian fur seal (arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) is an important top order predator and sentinel species for ecosystem health. an alopecia syndrome is seen at high prevalence in juvenile, female australian fu ...201728851151
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