
using mummichog (fundulus heteroclitus) arrays to monitor the effectiveness of remediation at a superfund site in charleston, south carolina, u.s.a.we previously developed a cdna array for mummichogs (fundulus heteroclitus), an estuarine minnow, that is targeted for identifying differentially expressed genes from exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and several metals, including chromium. a chromium-contaminated superfund site at shipyard creek in charleston, south carolina, usa, is undergoing remediation, providing us a unique opportunity to study the utility of arrays for monitoring the effectiveness of site remediation. mummichog ...200717571687
wood preservative leachates from docks in an estuarine environment.environmental concentrations and biological effects of certain metals and organic compounds found in wood preservatives were examined. the study focused on leachates from private residential docks in south carolina tidal creeks. copper, chromium, arsenic, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) were measured in composite samples of surficial sediments and naturally occurring oyster populations (crassostrea virginica) from creeks with high densities of docks, and from nearby reference creeks ...19968687987
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