
polychaete worms--a vector for white spot syndrome virus (wssv).the present work provides the first evidence of polychaete worms as passive vectors of white spot syndrome virus (wssv) in the transmission of white spot disease to penaeus monodon broodstocks. the study was based on live polychaete worms, marphysa spp., obtained from worm suppliers/worm fishers as well as samples collected from 8 stations on the northern coast of tamilnadu (india). tiger shrimp penaeus monodon broodstock with undeveloped ovaries were experimentally infected with wssv by feeding ...200515819425
white spot syndrome virus isolates of tiger shrimp penaeus monodon (fabricious) in india are similar to exotic isolates as revealed by polymerase chain reaction and electron microscopy.microbiological analysis of samples collected from cases of white spot disease outbreaks in cultured shrimp in different farms located in three regions along east coast of india viz. chidambram (tamil nadu), nellore (andhra pradesh) and balasore (orissa), revealed presence of vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and aeromonas spp. but experimental infection trials in penaeus monodon with these isolates did not induce any acute mortality or formation of white spots on carapace. infectio ...200516053274
study on the distribution of disease-resistant shrimp identified by dna markers in respect to wssv infection in different seasons along the entire east coast of india aiming to prevent white spot disease in penaeus monodon.white spot disease caused by white spot syndrome virus (wssv) is responsible for harming shrimp aquaculture industry and results in a pandemic throughout the world. undeniably, the knowledge on geographic distribution, transmission, virulence, and seasonal prevalence of this disease alongside information on the distribution of disease-resistant shrimps may be helpful to understand important aspects of disease biology. this study was intended to estimate wssv prevalence by qualitative and quantit ...201624735185
evidence for the presence of white spot syndrome virus (wssv) and monodon baculovirus (mbv) in wild penaeus monodon (fabricius) broodstock, in the southeast coast of india.a survey on the presence of the viruses of two economically significant diseases, white spot syndrome virus (wssv) and monodon baculovirus (mbv) in wild-collected penaeus monodon broodstock, was conducted during different seasons of the year in two major coastal areas of southeast india. the broodstock were collected along the coast of tamil nadu and andhra pradesh during summer, premonsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons for three consecutive years. a total of 7905 samples were collected and ...201222924635
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