
evaluation of dogs as sentinels of the transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in a rural area of north-western argentina.dogs, the main domestic reservoirs of trypanosoma cruzi in the argentine chaco, may be useful as sentinels of vector-mediated transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in control programmes if canine infections acquired by all other routes could be excluded. in the present study, in the province of santiago del estero, argentina, the dog populations in the neighbouring villages of amamá, trinidad, mercedes, villa matilde and pampa pozo were studied immediately before spraying of residual insecticides (i ...19989924546
peridomestic distribution of triatoma garciabesi and triatoma guasayana in north-west argentina.the reduviid bugs triatoma garciabesi carcavallo et al. (hemiptera: reduviidae: triatominae), previously known as t. sordida ståhl in the semi-arid chaco region, and t. guasayana wygodzinsky & abalos, vectors of trypanosoma cruzi chagas (kinetoplastida: trypanosomatidae), were found to occupy wide but different ranges of ecotopes in the peridomestic environment. at amamá and nearby rural villages in north-western argentina, a combined total of 1233 specimens were collected from 325/2314 (14%) si ...200011129702
spatiotemporal patterns of reinfestation by triatoma guasayana (hemiptera: reduviidae) in a rural community of northwestern argentina.triatoma guasayana (wygodzinsky & abalos) is a secondary vector of trypanosoma cruzi (chagas), the etiologic agent of chagas disease, in the chaco region of argentina, bolivia, and paraguay. the spatial distribution of t. guasayana in a rural community in northwestern argentina is described and analyzed using very high spatial resolution satellite imagery, geographic information systems, and spatial statistics. since a 1992 residual spraying with insecticides of all houses, site-specific domesti ...200516119545
environmental and demographic factors determining the spatial distribution of triatoma guasayana in peridomestic and semi-sylvatic habitats of rural northwestern argentina.triatoma guasayana (wygodzinsky & abalos), a sylvatic vector of chagas' disease, occurs in natural and peridomestic habitats of the dry chaco region of argentina, bolivia and paraguay. ten-year retrospective spatial analyses of peridomestic t. guasayana abundance in the rural community of amamá were expanded to the neighbouring community of trinidad in northwestern argentina. the distribution of t. guasayana in domiciles, peridomiciles (storerooms, chicken coops and corrals) and natural habitats ...200818816276
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