
dispersive flight and house invasion by triatoma guasayana and triatoma sordida in argentina.flight activity and invasion of houses by triatoma sordida and t. guasayana were studied in the province of santiago del estero, argentina. spontaneous findings of both species in houses were recorded from 1982 to 1989. light trap collections were performed in 1982, 1983 and 1984, at the woods surrounding the settlements of amamá (43 houses) and trinidad (19 houses). most of the 101 triatomines collected, were unfed and negative for trypanosoma cruzi. t. guasayana predominated over t. sordida, a ...19938246755
potential colonization of the peridomicile by triatoma guasayana (hemiptera:reduviidae) in santiago del estero, argentina.sylvatic triatomines might use the peridomicile as a 1st step in the process of domiciliation. therefore, we evaluated the capability of sylvatic species to colonize the peridomicile of a rural area in the province of santiago del estero, argentina. the research was carried out in 6 houses in the village of trinidad. the person per hour capture method was employed to determine the presence of triatomines in all the buildings (n = 44). dispersing adults were collected by means of light traps and ...19968699459
spatial distribution of triatoma guasayana (hemiptera:reduviidae) in hardwood forest biotopes in santiago del estero, the study area triatoma guasayana wygodzinsky & abalos is the only wild triatomine found sympatric with triatoma infestans (klug) in peridomestic premises. the trypanosoma cruzi chagas wild cycle is centered around the same biotopes occupied by t. guasayana, which are also visited mainly by opossums with annual prevalences of 29-50%. twelve hectares were sampled for 4 consecutive years during all seasons. during that time, 420 t. guasayana individuals were collected in 11.3% of 1,188 biotopes ...19979103752
evaluation of dogs as sentinels of the transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in a rural area of north-western argentina.dogs, the main domestic reservoirs of trypanosoma cruzi in the argentine chaco, may be useful as sentinels of vector-mediated transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in control programmes if canine infections acquired by all other routes could be excluded. in the present study, in the province of santiago del estero, argentina, the dog populations in the neighbouring villages of amamá, trinidad, mercedes, villa matilde and pampa pozo were studied immediately before spraying of residual insecticides (i ...19989924546
characterization of triatoma guasayana biotopes in a hardwood forest of santiago del estero, argentina.triatoma guasayana is a silvatic triatomine species distributed in argentina, bolivia and paraguay. the study was performed in a secondary forest of santiago del estero, argentina. the abundance of t. guasayana was evaluated by census in the following wild biotopes: quimiles (opuntia quimilo), chaguares (dry bromeliads), logs and underground burrows. ten biotopes of each type were dismantled in winter (august) and another 40 in summer (january); all fauna was recorded. the biotopes most infested ...200111391416
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