
palm trees and chagas' disease in ecological survey of triatomines in the sylvan ecosystem of the canal zone and selected sites in panama disclosed for the first time a close association of rhodnius pullescens and triatoma dimidiata, the two most important vector species of chagas' disease in panama, with a single species of a widely distributed palm tree, scheelea zonensis. this association may explain why chagas' disease is prevalent in certain rural communities in central panama and rare in others. an immense focus of zoon ...1978102210
host feeding profiles of triatoma dimidiata in peridomestic habitats of western panama.bloodmeal analysis of triatoma dimidiata collected in peridomestic habitats of western panama showed that avian feedings comprised 25% of this species' host selections; opossums, the principal reservoir of chagas' disease in the republic, were not among mammalian feedings. these findings may account for the low infestation rates of trypanosoma cruzi in the bugs and the hypoendemicity of chagas' disease in western panama.19883079313
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