
the impact of vector control on triatoma dimidiata in the guatemalan department of 2000, a national control operation against the triatomine vectors of trypanosoma cruzi, based on house spraying with residual pyrethroid insecticides, was initiated in guatemala. the impact of the operation against triatoma dimidiata in the most heavily infested department, jutiapa, was evaluated by pre- and post-spraying surveys of the vector populations. of the houses checked for tri. dimidiata in the baseline surveys, 18.3% were found to be infested with the bug, and in 12.1% of the villag ...200312803860
impact of single and multiple residual sprayings of pyrethroid insecticides against triatoma dimidiata (reduviiade; triatominae), the principal vector of chagas disease in jutiapa, guatemala.this study investigated the impact of single, double, and triple insecticide sprayings on indoor infestation of triatoma dimidiata in jutiapa, guatemala. up to three successive insecticide sprayings were applied in villages, where the indoor infestation index was > 5% before each spraying round or located adjacent to the persistently infested villages. among 64 villages with single spraying, the mean indoor infestation index reduced from 20.8% to 1.4% after 12 months, but rose to 8.1% after 33 m ...200616896123
house improvements and community participation in the control of triatoma dimidiata re-infestation in jutiapa, guatemala.the deterioration or absence of plaster walls in houses and poor hygienic conditions are the most important risk factors for indoor triatoma dimidiata infestation in guatemala. a cross-disciplinary study was conducted addressing t. dimidiata infestation, household hygiene, and housing construction. the study focused on local materials and cultural aspects (including gender roles) that could lead to long-term improvements in wall construction. a new plaster mix for walls was developed on the basi ...200919287861
risk factors for intradomiciliary infestation by the chagas disease vector triatoma dimidiatain jutiapa, guatemala.seventeen variables were evaluated as possible risk factors for the intradomiciliary infestation with triatoma dimidiata in 644 houses in jutiapa, guatemala. during 2004 the houses were assessed for vector presence and evaluated for hygiene, cluttering, material comfort, construction conditions and number of inhabitants, among other factors. chi-square analysis detected significant associations between vector presence and eight variables related to domestic sanitary and construction conditions. ...200919287870
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